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Oracle 1z0-1072-24 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

With OCI's pricing of $0.0085 USD per Gigabyte for Outbound Data Transfer in North America, how much will they spend per month for 7 Petabytes of Outbound Data Transfer?
A. $59,500.00
B. $59,415.00
C. $0.00 (free with OCI)
D. $150,000.00

A. $59,500.00

To calculate the monthly cost for 7 Petabytes (PB) of outbound data transfer at a rate of $0.0085 per GB in North America:


1 PB = 1,000,000 GB
7 PB = 7,000,000 GB
Cost = 7,000,000 GB * $0.0085/GB = $59,500.00
Thus, the cost for 7 PB of outbound data transfer per month is$59,500.00.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Pricing:OCI Pricing =================

Question # 2

How many capacity reservations would you create to meet the requirement for high availability and distribution across Availability Domains?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

C. Three

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), to ensure high availability and distribution across Availability Domains (ADs), the recommended approach is as follows:

Capacity Reservations for High Availability: To achieve high availability, especially across all three Availability Domains in a region, you should createthree capacity reservations. Each reservation corresponds to one AD, ensuring that your instances or resources are evenly distributed and resilient to AD-level failures.

Why Three: This setup provides redundancy and load distribution across the ADs, meeting the high availability requirements.

Relevant OCI Documentation:

Capacity Reservations

This document outlines how to create and manage capacity reservations to meet high availability and fault tolerance requirements. =================

Question # 3

Which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy is invalid?
A. Allow dynamic-group 'Default'/'FrontEnd' to manage instance-family in compartment Project-A
B. Allow group 'Default'/'A-Admins' to manage all-resources in compartment Project-A
C. Allow any-user to inspect users in tenancy
D. Allow group 'Default'/'A-Developers' to create volumes in compartment Project-A

C. Allow any-user to inspect users in tenancy

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies are used to control access to resources. The policy in optionCis invalid because"any-user"is not a valid principal in OCI IAM policies. OCI policies can only grant permissions togroupsordynamic groups, but not to arbitrary users.

Here’s an explanation for each option:

A. Allow dynamic-group 'Default'/'FrontEnd' to manage instance-family in compartment Project-A: This is valid. It grants the dynamic group 'FrontEnd' the ability to manage instances within the Project-A compartment.

B. Allow group 'Default'/'A-Admins' to manage all-resources in compartment Project-A: This is valid. It provides full administrative access to all resources in the Project-A compartment for the 'A-Admins' group.

C. Allow any-user to inspect users in tenancy: This is invalid because OCI does not allow the use of "any-user" in policies. You must specify a valid group or dynamic group to define permissions.

D. Allow group 'Default'/'A-Developers' to create volumes in compartment Project-A: This is valid. It permits the 'A-Developers' group to create volumes in the Project-A compartment.

For reference:

OCI Policy Reference


Question # 4

Which TWO statements are TRUE about Private IP addresses in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)?
A. By default, the primary VNIC of an instance in a subnet has one primary private IP address and one secondary private IP address.
B. Each VNIC can only have one private IP address.
C. By default, the primary VNIC of an instance in a subnet has one primary private IP address.
D. A private IP can have an optional public IP assigned to it if it resides in a public subnet.

C. By default, the primary VNIC of an instance in a subnet has one primary private IP address.
D. A private IP can have an optional public IP assigned to it if it resides in a public subnet.

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), understanding how private IP addresses work is crucial for configuring network interfaces and managing instances within your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN).

Primary VNIC and Private IP Address:

When an instance is launched in OCI, it is attached to a Virtual Network Interface Card (VNIC). The primary VNIC, which is automatically created during the instance launch, is associated with a primary private IP address by default. This private IP address is essential for the instance to communicate within the VCN. The primary private IP address is automatically assigned and cannot be removed from the primary VNIC while the instance is running.This supports the statementC.

Additional Private IPs:

Contrary to statement B, each VNIC can indeed have multiple private IP addresses, but by default, the primary VNIC comes with only one primary private IP. You can manually add secondary private IPs if needed. However, the additional IPs are not assigned by default; hence,Ais incorrect. Public IP Association:

For instances requiring internet access, a public IP address can be optionally assigned to the private IP address if the instance is in a public subnet. This is critical for scenarios where an instance needs to communicate with the internet or external networks.This aligns with statementD.

Relevant OCI Documentation:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Networking Overview
VNICs and Private IPs
These references provide additional context and detail on how private IP addresses work within OCI and clarify the correct statements.

Question # 5

Which statement is true about pre-authenticated requests?
A. You cannot edit a pre-authenticated request.
B. Deleting a pre-authenticated request does not revoke access.
C. You need to provide your OCI credentials to the partner company.
D. Pre-authenticated requests can be used to delete buckets.

A. You cannot edit a pre-authenticated request.

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI),pre-authenticated requests (PARs)allow users to grant access to specific objects in Object Storage without requiring the recipient to have an OCI account or credentials. This feature is useful for sharing objects securely without exposing broader access.

Cannot Edit a PAR: Once a pre-authenticated request is created, you cannot edit it. If you need to change the settings, such as the expiration date or the object being shared, you must delete the existing PAR and create a new one.

Other Statements:

Deleting a PARdoes indeed revoke access immediately, contradicting option B.

Providing OCI credentials (C)is not required for using PARs. The purpose of PARs is to avoid sharing credentials.

Deleting Buckets (D): PARs are designed for accessing objects, not for administrative actions like deleting buckets.

Relevant OCI Documentation:

Managing Pre-Authenticated Requests

This reference outlines the features and limitations of pre-authenticated requests, including the inability to edit them once created. =================

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