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312-50 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 765
  • Last Updation Date: 16-Jan-2025
  • Certification: CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Exams
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
  • Verified Answers by Experts
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ECCouncil 312-50 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

John is using tokens for the purpose of strong authentication. He is not confident
that his security is considerably strong.
In the context of Session hijacking why would you consider this as a false sense of


The token based security cannot be easily defeated.


 The connection can be taken over after authentication.


 A token is not considered strong authentication.


Token security is not widely used in the industry.


 The connection can be taken over after authentication.

Explanation: A token will give you a more secure authentication, but the tokens will not
help against attacks that are directed against you after you have been authenticated.

Question # 2

What does the following command in "Ettercap" do?
ettercap –NCLzs –quiet


This command will provide you the entire list of hosts in the LAN


  This command will check if someone is poisoning you and will report its IP


This command will detach ettercap from console and log all the sniffed passwords to a


This command broadcasts ping to scan the LAN instead of ARP request all the subset


This command will detach ettercap from console and log all the sniffed passwords to a

Explanation: -L specifies that logging will be done to a binary file and –s tells us it is
running in script mode.

Question # 3

ViruXine.W32 virus hides their presence by changing the underlying executable code. This
Virus code mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact, the code changes itself each
time it runs, but the function of the code (its semantics) will not change at all



Polymorphic Virus


 Metamorphic Virus


 Dravidic Virus


Stealth Virus


Polymorphic Virus

Question # 4

Bubba has just accessed he preferred ecommerce web site and has spotted an item
that he would like to buy. Bubba considers the price a bit too steep. He looks at the
source code of the webpage and decides to save the page locally, so that he can
modify the page variables. In the context of web application security, what do you
think Bubba has changes?


A hidden form field value.


A hidden price value.


 An integer variable.


 A page cannot be changed locally, as it is served by a web server.


A hidden form field value.

Question # 5

Peter is a Network Admin. He is concerned that his network is vulnerable to a smurf
attack. What should Peter do to prevent a smurf attack?
Select the best answer.


He should disable unicast on all routers


 Disable multicast on the router


Turn off fragmentation on his router


Make sure all anti-virus protection is updated on all systems


 Make sure his router won't take a directed broadcast


 Make sure his router won't take a directed broadcast

Explanation: Explanations:
Unicasts are one-to-one IP transmissions, by disabling this he would disable most network
transmissions but still not prevent the smurf attack. Turning of multicast or fragmentation on
the router has nothing to do with Peter’s concerns as a smurf attack uses broadcast, not
multicast and has nothing to do with fragmentation. Anti-virus protection will not help
prevent a smurf attack. A smurf attack is a broadcast from a spoofed source. If directed
broadcasts are enabled on the destination all the computers at the destination will respond
to the spoofed source, which is really the victim. Disabling directed broadcasts on a router
can prevent the attack.

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