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  • Total Questions: 528
  • Last Updation Date: 16-Jan-2025
  • Certification: CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Exams
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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ECCouncil 312-50v11 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

During an Xmas scan what indicates a port is closed?


No return response









Question # 2

A penetration tester is conducting a port scan on a specific host. The tester found several
ports opened that were confusing in concluding the Operating System (OS) version
installed. Considering that NMAP result below, which of the following is likely to be installed
on the target machine by the OS? Starting NMAP 5.21 at 2011-03-15 11:06 NMAP scan
report for Host is up (1.00s latency). Not shown: 993 closed ports PORT
STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 23/tcp open telnet 80/tcp open http 139/tcp open netbiosssn
515/tcp open 631/tcp open ipp 9100/tcp open MAC Address: 00:00:48:0D:EE:8


The host is likely a Linux machine.


The host is likely a printer.


The host is likely a router.


The host is likely a Windows machine.


The host is likely a printer.

Question # 3

If a token and 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) are used to access a computer
system and the token performs off-line checking for the correct PIN, what type of attack is




Brute force






Brute force

Question # 4

How is the public key distributed in an orderly, controlled fashion so that the users can be sure of the sender’s identity?


Hash value


Private key


Digital signature


Digital certificate


Digital certificate

Question # 5

Louis, a professional hacker, had used specialized tools or search engines to encrypt all
his browsing activity and navigate anonymously to obtain sensitive/hidden information
about official government or federal databases. After gathering the Information, he
successfully performed an attack on the target government organization without being
traced. Which of the following techniques is described in the above scenario?


Dark web footprinting


VoIP footpnnting


VPN footprinting


website footprinting


Dark web footprinting

Explanation: Accessing dim web and profound web sources can be incredibly
amazing—in the event that you center around important use cases. The best techniques
we notice have clear necessities, for example, misrepresentation identification, danger
checking, and finding uncovered certifications.
Be that as it may, observing these sources is testing, and few arrangements have modern
inclusion. “Profound and dull web” ranges a tremendous scope of expected sources;
commercial centers, shut discussions, informing applications, and glue destinations.
Scarcely any organizations range every one of these sources; less actually have capacities
to go past basic scratching of destinations.
Shockingly, there is a ton of ear, vulnerability, and uncertainty (FUD) concerning the dim
web. Ice shelf analogies have been basic for quite a long while, apparently exhibiting the
profound and dull web is fundamentally bigger than the open web. In truth, the dull web just
adds to a little piece of cybercrime—we should consider extra sources to get a more
genuine feeling of the danger scene.
WHAT IS THE DARK WEB?The dim web is a region of the web that is just available with
explicit program programming, for example, Tor or I2P. It is a snare of secrecy where
clients’ characters and areas are secured by encryption innovation that courses client
information through numerous workers across the globe – making it very hard to follow
The namelessness of the dim web makes it an appealing innovation for unlawful purposes.
Shockingly, acquiring perceivability into criminal areas is troublesome: it requires particular
information, admittance to shut sources, and innovation that is equipped for checking these
hotspots for abuses of your information.
Be that as it may, we should initially scatter a few confusions about the dim web.
Assumption 1: The dull web is inseparable from the criminal web. While the dull
web is home to bunches of wrongdoing, it likewise has many genuineorganizations like New York Times and Facebook who offer Tor-based
administrations, just as for the most part benevolent substance. The dim web isn’t
inseparable from cybercrime.
Assumption 2: The dull web is something very similar as the profound web. To
explain, the profound web is extensively characterized as whatever isn’t recorded
by customary web crawlers. Obviously, the profound web is additionally home to
guiltiness – however so too is the unmistakable web. The dull web doesn’t corner
Essentially on the grounds that it isn’t available by a customary internet searcher, it doesn’t
mean the profound web is fundamentally fascinating. The vast majority of the information
on the profound web is ordinary or “typical”; for instance, email or Facebook records may
fall under this definition as they expect enrollment to see the substance. While some
profound and dim sites are significant sources, you need to understand what you’re
searching for, in any case it’s not difficult to sit around and assets.

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