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Snowflake ARA-C01 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An Architect is designing a data lake with Snowflake. The company has structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. The company wants to save the data inside the data lake within the Snowflake system. The company is planning on sharing data among its corporate branches using Snowflake data sharing. What should be considered when sharing the unstructured data within Snowflake?
A. A pre-signed URL should be used to save the unstructured data into Snowflake in order to share data over secure views, with no time limit for the URL.
B. A scoped URL should be used to save the unstructured data into Snowflake in order to share data over secure views, with a 24-hour time limit for the URL.
C. A file URL should be used to save the unstructured data into Snowflake in order to share data over secure views, with a 7-day time limit for the URL.
D. A file URL should be used to save the unstructured data into Snowflake in order to share data over secure views, with the "expiration_time" argument defined for the URL time limit.

B. A scoped URL should be used to save the unstructured data into Snowflake in order to share data over secure views, with a 24-hour time limit for the URL.
Explanation: When sharing unstructured data within Snowflake, using a scoped URL is recommended. Scoped URLs provide temporary access to staged files without granting privileges to the stage itself, enhancing security. The URL expires when the persisted query result period ends, which is currently set to 24 hours. This approach is suitable for sharing unstructured data over secure views within Snowflake’s data sharing framework.

Question # 2

What are characteristics of Dynamic Data Masking? (Select TWO).
A. A masking policy that Is currently set on a table can be dropped.
B. A single masking policy can be applied to columns in different tables.
C. A masking policy can be applied to the value column of an external table.
D. The role that creates the masking policy will always see unmasked data In query results
E. A masking policy can be applied to a column with the GEOGRAPHY data type.

A. A masking policy that Is currently set on a table can be dropped.
B. A single masking policy can be applied to columns in different tables.
Explanation: Dynamic Data Masking is a feature that allows masking sensitive data in query results based on the role of the user who executes the query. A masking policy is a user-defined function that specifies the masking logic and can be applied to one or more columns in one or more tables. A masking policy that is currently set on a table can be dropped using the ALTER TABLE command. A single masking policy can be applied to columns in different tables using the ALTER TABLE command with the SET MASKING POLICY clause. The other options are either incorrect or not supported by Snowflake. A masking policy cannot be applied to the value column of an external table, as external tables do not support column-level security. The role that creates the masking policy will not always see unmasked data in query results, as the masking policy can be applied to the owner role as well. A masking policy cannot be applied to a column with the GEOGRAPHY data type, as Snowflake only supports masking policies for scalar data types.

Question # 3

Assuming all Snowflake accounts are using an Enterprise edition or higher, in which development and testing scenarios would be copying of data be required, and zero-copy cloning not be suitable? (Select TWO).
A. Developers create their own datasets to work against transformed versions of the live data.
B. Production and development run in different databases in the same account, and Developers need to see production-like data but with specific columns masked
C. Data is in a production Snowflake account that needs to be provided to Developers in a separate development/testing Snowflake account in the same cloud region.
D. Developers create their own copies of a standard test database previously created for them in the development account, for their initial development and unit testing.
E. The release process requires pre-production testing of changes with data of production scale and complexity. For security reasons, pre-production also runs in the production account.

A. Developers create their own datasets to work against transformed versions of the live data.
C. Data is in a production Snowflake account that needs to be provided to Developers in a separate development/testing Snowflake account in the same cloud region.
Explanation: Zero-copy cloning is a feature that allows creating a clone of a table, schema, or database without physically copying the data. Zero-copy cloning is suitable for scenarios where the cloned object needs to have the same data and metadata as the original object, and where the cloned object does not need to be modified or updated frequently. Zero-copy cloning is also suitable for scenarios where the cloned object needs to be shared within the same Snowflake account or across different accounts in the same cloud region.

However, zero-copy cloning is not suitable for scenarios where the cloned object needs to have different data or metadata than the original object, or where the cloned object needs to be modified or updated frequently. Zero-copy cloning is also not suitable for scenarios where the cloned object needs to be shared across different accounts in different cloud regions. In these scenarios, copying of data would be required, either by using the COPY INTO command or by using data sharing with secure views.

The following are examples of development and testing scenarios where copying of data would be required, and zero-copy cloning would not be suitable:

Developers create their own datasets to work against transformed versions of the live data. This scenario requires copying of data because the developers need to modify the data or metadata of the cloned object to perform transformations, such as adding, deleting, or updating columns, rows, or values. Zero-copy cloning would not be suitable because it would create a read-only clone that shares the same data and metadata as the original object, and any changes made to the clone would affect the original object as well.

Data is in a production Snowflake account that needs to be provided to Developers in a separate development/testing Snowflake account in the same cloud region. This scenario requires copying of data because the data needs to be shared across different accounts in the same cloud region. Zero-copy cloning would not be suitable because it would create a clone within the same account as the original object, and it would not allow sharing the clone with another account. To share data across different accounts in the same cloud region, data sharing with secure views or COPY INTO command can be used.

The following are examples of development and testing scenarios where zero-copy cloning would be suitable, and copying of data would not be required:

Production and development run in different databases in the same account, and Developers need to see production-like data but with specific columns masked. This scenario can use zero-copy cloning because the data needs to be shared within the same account, and the cloned object does not need to have different data or metadata than the original object. Zero-copy cloning can create a clone of the production database in the development database, and the clone can have the same data and metadata as the original database. To mask specific columns, secure views can be created on top of the clone, and the developers can access the secure views instead of the clone directly.

Developers create their own copies of a standard test database previously created for them in the development account, for their initial development and unit testing. This scenario can use zero-copy cloning because the data needs to be shared within the same account, and the cloned object does not need to have different data or metadata than the original object. Zero-copy cloning can create a clone of the standard test database for each developer, and the clone can have the same data and metadata as the original database. The developers can use the clone for their initial development and unit testing, and any changes made to the clone would not affect the original database or other clones.

The release process requires pre-production testing of changes with data of production scale and complexity. For security reasons, pre-production also runs in the production account. This scenario can use zero-copy cloning because the data needs to be shared within the same account, and the cloned object does not need to have different data or metadata than the original object. Zero-copy cloning can create a clone of the production database in the pre-production database, and the clone can have the same data and metadata as the original database. The pre-production testing can use the clone to test the changes with data of production scale and complexity, and any changes made to the clone would not affect the original database or the production environment.

Question # 4

A company’s daily Snowflake workload consists of a huge number of concurrent queries triggered between 9pm and 11pm. At the individual level, these queries are smaller statements that get completed within a short time period. What configuration can the company’s Architect implement to enhance the performance of this workload? (Choose two.)
A. Enable a multi-clustered virtual warehouse in maximized mode during the workload duration
B. Set the MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to a higher value than its default value of 8 at the virtual warehouse level.
C. Increase the size of the virtual warehouse to size X-Large.
D. Reduce the amount of data that is being processed through this workload.
E. Set the connection timeout to a higher value than its default.

A. Enable a multi-clustered virtual warehouse in maximized mode during the workload duration
B. Set the MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to a higher value than its default value of 8 at the virtual warehouse level.
These two configuration options can enhance the performance of the workload that consists of a huge number of concurrent queries that are smaller and faster.
Enabling a multi-clustered virtual warehouse in maximized mode allows the warehouse to scale out automatically by adding more clusters as soon as the current cluster is fully loaded, regardless of the number of queries in the queue. This can improve the concurrency and throughput of the workload by minimizing or preventing queuing. The maximized mode is suitable for workloads that require high performance and low latency, and are less sensitive to credit consumption1.
Setting the MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to a higher value than its default value of 8 at the virtual warehouse level allows the warehouse to run more queries concurrently on each cluster. This can improve the utilization and efficiency of the warehouse resources, especially for smaller and faster queries that do not require a lot of processing power. The MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL parameter can be set when creating or modifying a warehouse, and it can be changed at any time2.

Question # 5

A Snowflake Architect created a new data share and would like to verify that only specific records in secure views are visible within the data share by the consumers.
What is the recommended way to validate data accessibility by the consumers?
A. Create reader accounts as shown below and impersonate the consumers by logging in with their credentials.
Create managed account reader_acctl admin_name = userl , adroin_password ■ 'Sdfed43da!44T , type = reader;
B. Create a row access policy as shown below and assign it to the data share.
Create or replace row access policy rap_acct as (acct_id varchar) returns boolean -> case when 'acctl_role' = current_role() then true else false end;
C. Set the session parameter called SIMULATED_DATA_SHARING_C0NSUMER as shown below in order to impersonate the consumer accounts.
Alter session set simulated_data_sharing_consumer - 'Consumer Acctl*
D. Alter the share settings as shown below, in order to impersonate a specific consumer account.
Alter share sales share set accounts = 'Consumerl’ share restrictions = true

C. Set the session parameter called SIMULATED_DATA_SHARING_C0NSUMER as shown below in order to impersonate the consumer accounts.
Alter session set simulated_data_sharing_consumer - 'Consumer Acctl*
Explanation: The SIMULATED_DATA_SHARING_CONSUMER session parameter allows a data provider to simulate the data access of a consumer account without creating a reader account or logging in with the consumer credentials. This parameter can be used to validate the data accessibility by the consumers in a data share, especially when using secure views or secure UDFs that filter data based on the current account or role. By setting this parameter to the name of a consumer account, the data provider can see the same data as the consumer would see when querying the shared database. This is a convenient and efficient way to test the data sharing functionality and ensure that only the intended data is visible to the consumers.

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