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CompTIA CV0-003 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A marketing team is using a SaaS-based service to send emails to large groups of potential customers. The internally managed CRM system is configured to generate a list of target customers automatically on a weekly basis, and then use that list to send emails to each customer as part of a marketing campaign. Last week, the first email campaign sent emails successfully to 3,000 potential customers. This week, the email campaign attempted to send out 50,000 emails, but only 10,000 were sent. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for not sending all the emails?

A. API request limit
B. Incorrect billing account
C. Misconfigured auto-scaling
D. Bandwidth limitation

A. API request limit


An API request limit is a restriction on the number of requests that can be made to a web service or application programming interface (API) within a certain time period. API request limits are often used by SaaS-based services to control the usage and traffic of their customers and prevent overloading or abuse of their resources. An API request limit can cause a failure to send all the emails if the marketing team exceeds the number of requests allowed by the SaaS-based service in a week. The service may reject or block any requests that go beyond the limit, resulting in fewer emails being sent than expected. References: CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam Objectives, page 13, section 2.5

[Reference: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/limits-quotas, ]

Question # 2

A cloud administrator needs to establish a secure connection between two different locations. Which of the following is the BEST option to implement the secure connection?
B. IPSec

B. IPSec
Explanation: The best option to implement a secure connection between two different locations is IPSec (Internet Protocol Security). IPSec is a protocol suite that provides security for IP-based communications over networks. IPSec can encrypt and authenticate the data packets between two endpoints, such as routers, firewalls, or VPN gateways. IPSec can also provide integrity, confidentiality, and replay protection for the data.

Question # 3

A company wants to move its environment from on premises to the cloud without vendor lock-in. Which of the following would BEST meet this requirement?
A. DBaaS
B. SaaS
C. IaaS
D. PaaS

C. IaaS


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is what would best meet the requirement of moving an environment from on premises to the cloud without vendor lock-in. Vendor lock-in is a situation where customers become dependent on or tied to a specific vendor or provider for their products or services, and face difficulties

Question # 4

A company is concerned about the security of its data repository that contains customer PII. A systems administrator is asked to deploy a security control that will prevent the exfiltration of such data. Which of the following should the systems administrator implement?




[Reference: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/4-steps-to-stop-data-exfiltration-with-google-cloud, , Implementing DLP (Data Loss Prevention) is the best solution to prevent the exfiltration of customer PII (Personally Identifiable Information) from a data repository. DLP is a security control that monitors, detects, and blocks sensitive data from leaving or being accessed by unauthorized parties. DLP can be applied at different levels, such as network, endpoint, storage, or cloud. DLP can help to protect customer PII from being leaked, stolen, or compromised.]

Question # 5

A systems administrator is planning to deploy a database cluster in a virtualization environment. The administrator needs to ensure the database nodes do not exist on the same physical host. Which of the following would best meet this requirement?
A. Oversubscription
B. Anti-affinity
C. A firewall
D. A separate cluster

B. Anti-affinity


Anti-affinity is a rule that specifies that certain virtual machines should not run on the same physical host. This can help to improve availability and performance by avoiding single points of failure and resource contention. For example, if the database nodes are running on the same host and the host fails, the entire database cluster will be unavailable. By using anti-affinity rules, the systems administrator can ensure the database nodes are distributed across different hosts in the virtualization environment.


CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-003 Study Guide, Chapter 2: Deploying a Cloud Environment, page 76.

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