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APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which is an effect in an organization if the psychological contract between an organization and its staff is broken?
A. Additional change agents will be need to be appointed
B. Staff will be more willing to help achieve the outcomes of change
C. The likelihood of achieving performance targets reduces.
D. There will be no effect if senior managers maintain discipline

C. The likelihood of achieving performance targets reduces.

The psychological contract is the unwritten and implicit agreement between an organization and its employees, which defines their mutual expectations and obligations. The psychological contract can be broken when either party fails to fulfill their promises or obligations, such as changing the terms and conditions of employment, reducing the benefits or rewards, or violating the trust or respect. When the psychological contract is broken, it can have negative effects on the organization, such as lower employee engagement, commitment, and loyalty; higher turnover, absenteeism, and grievances; and lower productivity, quality, and innovation. Therefore, one of the effects of breaking the psychological contract is that the likelihood of achieving performance targets reduces. The other options are not effects of breaking the psychological contract, but rather causes or consequences of other factors.

Question # 2

Which of the following statement about communication approaches that encourage engagement during change are true? It is helpful to delay communication until all the information is avoiding the risk of misleading people with insufficient data. An external communications agency should be asked to relay messages when dealing with a difficult change.
A. Only 1 is true
B. Only 2 is the true
C. Both 1 and 2 are true
D. Neither 1 or 2 is true

D. Neither 1 or 2 is true

Communication approaches that encourage engagement during change should be timely, transparent, honest, consistent, and two-way. It is not helpful to delay communication until all the information is available, as this can create uncertainty and anxiety among stakeholders. It is also not advisable to use an external communications agency to relay messages when dealing with a difficult change, as this can undermine trust and credibility of the change leaders.


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Question # 3

Which management approach is recommended to help people through the neutral zone’ phase of Gridges’ model of human transition?
A. Hold on to established routines wherever possible
B. Reduce gossip by limiting social occasions at work.
C. Direct feedback through the normal line management processes
D. Describe thisperiod as an opportunity to learn

D. Describe thisperiod as an opportunity to learn

Bridges’ model of human transition describes three phases that people go through when they experience change: ending, losing, and letting go; the neutral zone; and the new beginning. The neutral zone is a period of uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety, but also creativity, innovation, and learning. To help people through this phase, change leaders should describe this period as an opportunity to learn new skills, explore new possibilities, and experiment with new solutions. The other options would not help people through this phase, as they would either maintain the status quo, increase gossip and rumors, or limit feedback channels.

References: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%2010%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question # 4

Which is a desired characteristic of a vision statement for a change?
A. It is veritable so its achievement can be confirmed
B. Explains the future organization structure in detail
C. Lists all the activities needed to achieve the changes
D. Sets out several promises that may be hard to measure

A. It is veritable so its achievement can be confirmed

A vision statement for a change is a concise and compelling description of the desired future state that the change aims to achieve. A vision statement should have several characteristics, such as being clear, inspiring, realistic, and verifiable. Being verifiable means that the vision statement can be measured and confirmed when it is achieved. The other options are not desired characteristics of a vision statement, as they are either too detailed, vague, or irrelevant.

References: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%2014%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Question # 5

Which action, taken as part of the four-step emergent change process, addresses the currentconsequences of the change not yet being a reality?
A. Identify what people are experiencing once the chances are complete
B. Capture what people are experiencing in the present state
C. Create a vision statement that captures the desired future state
D. Develop a route-map for implementing the required changes

B. Capture what people are experiencing in the present state

The four-step emergent change process is a tool to facilitate change that emerges from within an organization, rather than being imposed from outside. The four steps are:

  • Capture what people are experiencing in the present state
  • Identify what people are experiencing once the changes are complete
  • Create a vision statement that captures the desired future state
  • Develop a route-map for implementing the required changes

Therefore, the action that addresses the current consequences of the change not yet being a reality is to capture what people are experiencing in the present state. References: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%2022%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

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