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Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company hosts a client-side web application for one of its subsidiaries on Amazon S3. The web application can be accessed through Amazon CloudFront from https://www.example.com. After a successful rollout, the company wants to host three more client-side web applications for its remaining subsidiaries on three separate S3 buckets.

To achieve this goal, a developer moves all the common JavaScript files and web fonts to a central S3 bucket that serves the web applications. However, during testing, the developer notices that the browser blocks the JavaScript files and web fonts.

What should the developer do to prevent the browser from blocking the JavaScript files and web fonts?

A. Create four access points that allow access to the central S3 bucket. Assign an access point to each web application bucket.
B. Create a bucket policy that allows access to the central S3 bucket. Attach the bucket policy to the central S3 bucket.
C. Create a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration that allows access to the central S3 bucket. Add the CORS configuration to the central S3 bucket.
D. Create a Content-MD5 header that provides a message integrity check for the central S3 bucket. Insert the Content-MD5 header for each web application request.

C. Create a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration that allows access to the central S3 bucket. Add the CORS configuration to the central S3 bucket.


This is a frequent trouble. Web applications cannot access the resources in other domains by default, except some exceptions. You must configure CORS on the resources to be accessed.

Question # 2

A company wants to share information with a third party. The third party has an HTTP API endpoint that the company can use to share the information. The company has the required API key to access the HTTP API.

The company needs a way to manage the API key by using code. The integration of the API key with the application code cannot affect application performance.

Which solution will meet these requirements MOST securely?

A. Store the API credentials in AWS Secrets Manager. Retrieve the API credentials at runtime by using the AWS SDK. Use the credentials to make the API call.

B. Store the API credentials in a local code variable. Push the code to a secure Git repository. Use the local code variable at runtime to make the API call.

C. Store the API credentials as an object in a private Amazon S3 bucket. Restrict access to the S3 object by using IAM policies. Retrieve the API credentials at runtime by using the AWS SDK. Use the credentials to make the API call.

D. Store the API credentials in an Amazon DynamoDB table. Restrict access to the table by using resource-based policies. Retrieve the API credentials at runtime by using the AWS SDK. Use the credentials to make the API call.

A. Store the API credentials in AWS Secrets Manager. Retrieve the API credentials at runtime by using the AWS SDK. Use the credentials to make the API call.


AWS Secrets Manager is a service that helps securely store, rotate, and manage secrets such as API keys, passwords, and tokens. The developer can store the API credentials in AWS Secrets Manager and retrieve them at runtime by using the AWS SDK. This solution will meet the requirements of security, code management, and performance. Storing the API credentials in a local code variable or an S3 object is not secure, as it exposes the credentials to unauthorized access or leakage. Storing the API credentials in a DynamoDB table is also not secure, as it requires additional encryption and access control measures. Moreover, retrieving the credentials from S3 or DynamoDB may affect application performance due to network latency.


• [What Is AWS Secrets Manager? - AWS Secrets Manager]

• [Retrieving a Secret - AWS Secrets Manager]

Question # 3

A developer is creating a new REST API by using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda. The development team tests the API and validates responses for the known use cases before deploying the API to the production environment.

The developer wants to make the REST API available for testing by using API Gateway locally. Which AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI) subcommand will meet these requirements?

A. Sam local invoke
B. Sam local generate-event
C. Sam local start-lambda
D. Sam local start-api

D. Sam local start-api


The AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI) is a command-line tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications2. The sam local start-api subcommand of AWS SAM CLI is used to simulate a REST API by starting a new local endpoint3. Therefore, option D is correct.

Question # 4

A company has installed smart motes in all Its customer locations. The smart meter’s measure power usage at 1minute intervals and send the usage readings to a remote endpoint tot collection. The company needs to create an endpoint that will receive the smart meter readings and store the readings in a database.

The company wants to store the location ID and timestamp information. The company wants to give Is customers low-latency access to their current usage and historical usage on demand The company expects demand to increase significantly. The solution must not impact performance or include downtime write seeing.

When solution will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

A. Store the smart meter readings in an Amazon RDS database. Create an index on the location ID and timestamp columns Use the columns to filter on the customers ‘data.
B. Store the smart motor readings m an Amazon DynamoDB table Croato a composite Key oy using the location ID and timestamp columns. Use the columns to filter on the customers' data.
C. Store the smart meter readings in Amazon EastCache for Reds Create a Sorted set key y using the location ID and timestamp columns. Use the columns to filter on the customers’ data.
D. Store the smart meter readings m Amazon S3 Parton the data by using the location ID and timestamp columns. Use Amazon Athena lo tiler on me customers' data.

B. Store the smart motor readings m an Amazon DynamoDB table Croato a composite Key oy using the location ID and timestamp columns. Use the columns to filter on the customers' data.


The solution that will meet the requirements most cost-effectively is to store the smart meter readings in an Amazon DynamoDB table. Create a composite key by using the location ID and timestamp columns. Use the columns to filter on the customers’ data. This way, the company can leverage the scalability, performance, and low latency of DynamoDB to store and retrieve the smart meter readings.

The company can also use the composite key to query the data by location ID and timestamp efficiently. The other options either involve more expensive or less scalable services, or do not provide low-latency access to the current usage.

Reference: [Reference: Working with Queries in DynamoDB, , ]

Question # 5

A developer has an application that stores data in an Amazon S3 bucket. The application uses an HTTP API to store and retrieve objects. When the PutObject API operation adds objects to the S3 bucket the developer must encrypt these objects at rest by using server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3).

Which solution will meet this requirement?

A. Create an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key. Assign the KMS key to the S3 bucket
B. Set the x-amz-server-side-encryption header when invoking the PutObject API operation.
C. Provide the encryption key in the HTTP header of every request.
D. Apply TLS to encrypt the traffic to the S3 bucket.

B. Set the x-amz-server-side-encryption header when invoking the PutObject API operation.


Amazon S3 supports server-side encryption, which encrypts data at rest on the server that stores the data. One of the encryption options is SSE-S3, which uses keys managed by S3. To use SSE-S3, the x-amz-server-side-encryption header must be set to AES256 when invoking the PutObject API operation. This instructs S3 to encrypt the object data with SSE-S3 before saving it on disks in its data centers and decrypt it when it is downloaded.


Protecting data using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed encryption keys (SSE-S3)

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