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Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A distributed team of data analysts share computing resources on an interactive cluster with autoscaling configured. In order to better manage costs and query throughput, the workspace administrator is hoping to evaluate whether cluster upscaling is caused by many concurrent users or resource-intensive queries. In which location can one review the timeline for cluster resizing events?
A. Workspace audit logs
B. Driver's log file
C. Ganglia
D. Cluster Event Log
E. Executor's log file

C. Ganglia

Question # 2

The data engineering team is migrating an enterprise system with thousands of tables and views into the Lakehouse. They plan to implement the target architecture using a series of bronze, silver, and gold tables. Bronze tables will almost exclusively be used by production data engineering workloads, while silver tables will be used to support both data engineering and machine learning workloads. Gold tables will largely serve business intelligence and reporting purposes. While personal identifying information (PII) exists in all tiers of data, pseudonymization and anonymization rules are in place for all data at the silver and gold levels. The organization is interested in reducing security concerns while maximizing the ability to collaborate across diverse teams. Which statement exemplifies best practices for implementing this system?
A. Isolating tables in separate databases based on data quality tiers allows for easy permissions management through database ACLs and allows physical separation of default storage locations for managed tables.
B. Because databases on Databricks are merely a logical construct, choices around database organization do not impact security or discoverability in the Lakehouse.
C. Storinq all production tables in a single database provides a unified view of all data assets available throughout the Lakehouse, simplifying discoverability by granting all users view privileges on this database.
D. Working in the default Databricks database provides the greatest security when working with managed tables, as these will be created in the DBFS root.
E. Because all tables must live in the same storage containers used for the database they're created in, organizations should be prepared to create between dozens and thousands of databases depending on their data isolation requirements.

A. Isolating tables in separate databases based on data quality tiers allows for easy permissions management through database ACLs and allows physical separation of default storage locations for managed tables.

This is the correct answer because it exemplifies best practices for implementing this system. By isolating tables in separate databases based on data quality tiers, such as bronze, silver, and gold, the data engineering team can achieve several benefits. First, they can easily manage permissions for different users and groups through database ACLs, which allow granting or revoking access to databases, tables, or views. Second, they can physically separate the default storage locations for managed tables in each database, which can improve performance and reduce costs. Third, they can provide a clear and consistent naming convention for the tables in each database, which can improve discoverability and usability. Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Lakehouse” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Database object privileges” section.

Question # 3

A junior data engineer is working to implement logic for a Lakehouse table named silver_device_recordings. The source data contains 100 unique fields in a highly nested JSON structure. The silver_device_recordings table will be used downstream for highly selective joins on a number of fields, and will also be leveraged by the machine learning team to filter on a handful of relevant fields, in total, 15 fields have been identified that will often be used for filter and join logic. The data engineer is trying to determine the best approach for dealing with these nested fields before declaring the table schema. Which of the following accurately presents information about Delta Lake and Databricks that may Impact their decision-making process?
A. Because Delta Lake uses Parquet for data storage, Dremel encoding information for nesting can be directly referenced by the Delta transaction log.
B. Tungsten encoding used by Databricks is optimized for storing string data: newly-added native support for querying JSON strings means that string types are always most efficient.
C. Schema inference and evolution on Databricks ensure that inferred types will always accurately match the data types used by downstream systems.
D. By default Delta Lake collects statistics on the first 32 columns in a table; these statistics are leveraged for data skipping when executing selective queries.

D. By default Delta Lake collects statistics on the first 32 columns in a table; these statistics are leveraged for data skipping when executing selective queries.

Delta Lake, built on top of Parquet, enhances query performance through data skipping, which is based on the statistics collected for each file in a table. For tables with a large number of columns, Delta Lake by default collects and stores statistics only for the first 32 columns. These statistics include min/max values and null counts, which are used to optimize query execution by skipping irrelevant data files. When dealing with highly nested JSON structures, understanding this behavior is crucial for schema design, especially when determining which fields should be flattened or prioritized in the table structure to leverage data skipping efficiently for performance optimization.


Databricks documentation on Delta Lake optimization techniques, including data skipping and statistics collection (https://docs.databricks.com/delta/optimizations/index.html).

Question # 4

A table is registered with the following code: Both users and orders are Delta Lake tables. Which statement describes the results of querying recent_orders?
A. All logic will execute at query time and return the result of joining the valid versions of the source tables at the time the query finishes.
B. All logic will execute when the table is defined and store the result of joining tables to the DBFS; this stored data will be returned when the table is queried.
C. Results will be computed and cached when the table is defined; these cached results will incrementally update as new records are inserted into source tables.
D. All logic will execute at query time and return the result of joining the valid versions of the source tables at the time the query began.
E. The versions of each source table will be stored in the table transaction log; query results will be saved to DBFS with each query.

B. All logic will execute when the table is defined and store the result of joining tables to the DBFS; this stored data will be returned when the table is queried.

Question # 5

Which statement describes Delta Lake Auto Compaction?
A. An asynchronous job runs after the write completes to detect if files could be further compacted; if yes, an optimize job is executed toward a default of 1 GB.
B. Before a Jobs cluster terminates, optimize is executed on all tables modified during the most recent job.
C. Optimized writes use logical partitions instead of directory partitions; because partition boundaries are only represented in metadata, fewer small files are written.
D. Data is queued in a messaging bus instead of committing data directly to memory; all data is committed from the messaging bus in one batch once the job is complete.
E. An asynchronous job runs after the write completes to detect if files could be further compacted; if yes, an optimize job is executed toward a default of 128 MB.

E. An asynchronous job runs after the write completes to detect if files could be further compacted; if yes, an optimize job is executed toward a default of 128 MB.

This is the correct answer because it describes the behavior of Delta Lake Auto Compaction, which is a feature that automatically optimizes the layout of Delta Lake tables by coalescing small files into larger ones. Auto Compaction runs as an asynchronous job after a write to a table has succeeded and checks if files within a partition can be further compacted. If yes, it runs an optimize job with a default target file size of 128 MB. Auto Compaction only compacts files that have not been compacted previously. Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Delta Lake” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Auto Compaction for Delta Lake on Databricks” section.

"Auto compaction occurs after a write to a table has succeeded and runs synchronously on the cluster that has performed the write. Auto compaction only compacts files that haven’t been compacted previously."


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