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FCSS_SASE_AD-23 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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Fortinet FCSS_SASE_AD-23 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two additional components does FortiSASE use for application control to act as an inline-CASB? (Choose two.)
A. intrusion prevention system (IPS)
B. SSL deep inspection
C. DNS filter
D. Web filter with inline-CASB

B. SSL deep inspection
D. Web filter with inline-CASB
FortiSASE uses the following components for application control to act as an inline-CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker):

SSL Deep Inspection:

SSL deep inspection is essential for decrypting and inspecting HTTPS traffic to identify and control applications and data transfers within encrypted traffic.

This allows FortiSASE to enforce security policies on SSL/TLS encrypted traffic, providing visibility and control over cloud applications.

Web Filter with Inline-CASB:

The web filter component integrates with inline-CASB to monitor and control access to cloud applications based on predefined security policies.

This combination provides granular control over cloud application usage, ensuring compliance with security policies and preventing unauthorized data transfers.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Details on SSL deep inspection and web filtering configurations.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains how FortiSASE acts as an inline-CASB using SSL deep inspection and web filtering.

Question # 2

What are two advantages of using zero-trust tags? (Choose two.)
A. Zero-trust tags can be used to allow or deny access to network resources
B. Zero-trust tags can determine the security posture of an endpoint.
C. Zero-trust tags can be used to create multiple endpoint profiles which can be applied to different endpoints
D. Zero-trust tags can be used to allow secure web gateway (SWG) access

A. Zero-trust tags can be used to allow or deny access to network resources
B. Zero-trust tags can determine the security posture of an endpoint.
Zero-trust tags are critical in implementing zero-trust network access (ZTNA) policies. Here are the two key advantages of using zero-trust tags:

Access Control (Allow or Deny):

Zero-trust tags can be used to define policies that either allow or deny access to specific network resources based on the tag associated with the user or device.

This granular control ensures that only authorized users or devices with the appropriate tags can access sensitive resources, thereby enhancing security.

Determining Security Posture:

Zero-trust tags can be utilized to assess and determine the security posture of an endpoint.

Based on the assigned tags, FortiSASE can evaluate the device's compliance with security policies, such as antivirus status, patch levels, and configuration settings.

Devices that do not meet the required security posture can be restricted from accessing the network or given limited access.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides detailed information on configuring and using zero-trust tags for access control and security posture assessment.
FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains how zero-trust tags are implemented and used within the FortiSASE environment for enhancing security and compliance.

Question # 3

To complete their day-to-day operations, remote users require access to a TCP-based application that is hosted on a private web server. Which FortiSASE deployment use case provides the most efficient and secure method for meeting the remote users' requirements?
A. SD-WAN private access
B. inline-CASB
C. zero trust network access (ZTNA) private access
D. next generation firewall (NGFW)

C. zero trust network access (ZTNA) private access
Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) private access provides the most efficient and secure method for remote users to access a TCP-based application hosted on a private web server. ZTNA ensures that only authenticated and authorized users can access specific applications based on predefined policies, enhancing security and access control.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA):

ZTNA operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify," continuously verifying user identity and device security posture before granting access.
It provides secure and granular access to specific applications, ensuring that remote users can securely access the TCP-based application hosted on the private web server.
Secure and Efficient Access:

ZTNA private access allows remote users to connect directly to the application without needing a full VPN tunnel, reducing latency and improving performance.
It ensures that only authorized users can access the application, providing robust security controls.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides detailed information on ZTNA and its deployment use cases.
FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains how ZTNA can be used to provide secure access to private applications for remote users.

Question # 4

Which FortiSASE feature ensures least-privileged user access to all applications?
A. secure web gateway (SWG)
C. zero trust network access (ZTNA)
D. thin branch SASE extension

C. zero trust network access (ZTNA)
Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is the FortiSASE feature that ensures least-privileged user access to all applications. ZTNA operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify," providing secure access based on the identity of users and devices, regardless of their location.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA):

ZTNA ensures that only authenticated and authorized users and devices can access applications.

It applies the principle of least privilege by granting access only to the resources required by the user, minimizing the potential for unauthorized access.


ZTNA continuously verifies user and device trustworthiness and enforces granular access control policies.

This approach enhances security by reducing the attack surface and limiting lateral movement within the network.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides detailed information on ZTNA and its role in ensuring least-privileged access.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains the implementation and benefits of ZTNA within the FortiSASE environment.

Question # 5

An organization needs to resolve internal hostnames using its internal rather than public DNS servers for remotely connected endpoints. Which two components must be configured on FortiSASE to achieve this? (Choose two.)
A. SSL deep inspection
B. Split DNS rules
C. Split tunnelling destinations
D. DNS filter

B. Split DNS rules
C. Split tunnelling destinations
To resolve internal hostnames using internal DNS servers for remotely connected endpoints, the following two components must be configured on FortiSASE:

Split DNS Rules:

Split DNS allows the configuration of specific DNS queries to be directed to internal DNS servers instead of public DNS servers.

This ensures that internal hostnames are resolved using the organization's internal DNS infrastructure, maintaining privacy and accuracy for internal network resources.

Split Tunneling Destinations:

Split tunneling allows specific traffic (such as DNS queries for internal domains) to be routed through the VPN tunnel while other traffic is sent directly to the internet.

By configuring split tunneling destinations, you can ensure that DNS queries for internal hostnames are directed through the VPN to the internal DNS servers.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides details on configuring split DNS and split tunneling for VPN clients.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains the implementation and configuration of split DNS and split tunneling for securely resolving internal hostnames.

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