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GRCA Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 45
  • Last Updation Date: 27-Jan-2025
  • Certification: GRC
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Getting Ready For GRC Exam Could Never Have Been Easier!

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GRC Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated OCEG GRCA dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by GRC certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these OCEG dumps and pass your GRC Auditor Certification exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

OCEG GRCA Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

All Review Procedures in the GRC Assessment Tools must be followed to assess a particular element
A. True. Thinking has been done for you.
B. False. Use your professional judgement.

B. False. Use your professional judgement.


It is important to use professional judgment when conducting a GRC assessment, rather than rigidly following all review procedures in the GRC Assessment Tools. While these tools provide valuable guidelines and frameworks, each organization and situation is unique. Professional judgment allows for flexibility and adaptation of the procedures to fit the specific context andnuances of the assessment, ensuring more relevant and effective outcomes.


ISO 19011:2018 - Guidelines for auditing management systems

IIA Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing

Question # 2

Identifying root causes helps to
A. Be more specific regarding who is to blame
B. Find a solution to fixing not only this problem but potential other problems that result from the same root cause

B. Find a solution to fixing not only this problem but potential other problems that result from the same root cause


Identifying root causes helps to find solutions that fix not only the current problem but also prevent other potential problems that stem from the same root cause. This approach leads to more sustainable and effective improvements by addressing the underlying issues rather than just the symptoms. It enhances the overall quality and reliability of processes and controls within the organization.


ISO 31000:2018 - Risk management – Guidelines

Root Cause Analysis: Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results by Robert J. Latino, Kenneth C. Latino, and Mark A. Latino

Question # 3

Assessments should be selected based on
A. What the latest research reports says
B. How objectives connect and prioritize the risk universe and assessment universe
C. Personal opinion

B. How objectives connect and prioritize the risk universe and assessment universe


Assessments should be selected based on how objectives connect and prioritize the risk universe and assessment universe. This approach ensures that the assessments are aligned with the organization's strategic goals and that the most significant risks are addressed. It involves understanding the organization's risk landscape and prioritizing assessments that focus on theareas of highest impact and relevance to achieving objectives.


ISO 31000:2018 - Risk management – Guidelines

COSO Enterprise Risk Management – Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Question # 4

Achieving Principled Performance means to:
A. Be an ethical performer
B. Reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty and act with integrity
C. Recycle

B. Reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty and act with integrity


Achieving principled performance means reliably achieving objectives, addressing uncertainty, and acting with integrity. This concept integrates the management of performance, risk, and compliance to ensure that an organization not only meets its goals but does so ethically and sustainably. It involves creating a culture of accountability, transparency, and ethical behavior while systematically managing risks and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Principled performance is about achieving success while maintaining high standards of integrity and responsibility.


OCEG (Open Compliance and Ethics Group) Red Book GRC Capability Model

ISO 37001:2016 - Anti-bribery management systems

Question # 5

When planning an Assessment, it is important to

A. INCLUDE the personnel who perform the work being assessed. They will help to inform Assessment staff and help to adjust parameters if necessary.

B. NOT include the personnel who perform the work being assessed. They will pollute the process.

A. INCLUDE the personnel who perform the work being assessed. They will help to inform Assessment staff and help to adjust parameters if necessary.


Including the personnel who perform the work being assessed in the planning process is important because they possess valuable insights and knowledge about the processes and controls in place. Their involvement helps to ensure that the assessment is accurately scoped and relevant parameters are set. They can provide context and clarify operational details, contributing to a more effective and targeted assessment. Moreover, their engagement can foster a cooperativeenvironment and facilitate smoother assessment execution.


ISO 19011:2018 - Guidelines for auditing management systems

COSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework

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