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PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Scenario 2: Knight is an electronics company from Northern California, US that develops video game consoles. Knight has more than 300 employees worldwide. On the fifth anniversary of their establishment, they have decided to deliver the G-Console, a new generation video game console aimed for worldwide markets. G-Console is considered to be the ultimate media machine of 2021 which will give the best gaming experience to players. The console pack will include a pair of VR headset, two games, and other gifts.

Over the years, the company has developed a good reputation by showing integrity, honesty, and respect toward their customers. This good reputation is one of the reasons why most passionate gamers aim to have Knight's G-console as soon as it is released in the market. Besides being a very customer-oriented company, Knight also gained wide recognition within the gaming industry because of the developing quality. Their prices are a bit higher than the reasonable standards allow.

Nonetheless, that is not considered an issue for most loyal customers of Knight, as their quality is top-notch.

Being one of the top video game console developers in the world, Knight is also often the center of attention for malicious activities. The company has had an operational ISMS for over a year. The ISMS scope includes all departments of Knight, except Finance and HR departments.

Recently, a number of Knight's files containing proprietary information were leaked by hackers. Knight's incident response team (IRT) immediately started to analyze every part of the system and the details of the incident.

The IRT's first suspicion was that Knight's employees used weak passwords and consequently were easily cracked by hackers who gained unauthorized access to their accounts. However, after carefully investigating the incident, the IRT determined that hackers accessed accounts by capturing the file transfer protocol (FTP) traffic.

FTP is a network protocol for transferring files between accounts. It uses clear text passwords for authentication.

Following the impact of this information security incident and with IRT's suggestion, Knight decided to replace the FTP with Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, so anyone capturing the traffic can only see encrypted data.

Following these changes, Knight conducted a risk assessment to verify that the implementation of controls had minimized the risk of similar incidents. The results of the process were approved by the ISMS project manager who claimed that the level of risk after the implementation of new controls was in accordance with the company's risk acceptance levels.

Based on this scenario, answer the following question:

According to scenario 2, the ISMS scope was not applied to the Finance and HR Department of Knight. Is this acceptable?
A. Yes, the ISMS must be applied only to processes and assets that may directly impact information security
B. Yes, the ISMS scope can include the whole organization or only particular departments within the organization
C. No, the ISMS scope must include all organizational units and processes

B. Yes, the ISMS scope can include the whole organization or only particular departments within the organization

Question # 2

You are carrying out a third-party surveillance audit of a client's ISMS. You are currently in the secure storage area of the data centre where the organisation's customers are able to temporarily locate equipment coming into or going out of the site. The equipment is contained within locked cabinets and each cabinet is allocated to a single, specific client.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot movement near the external door of the storage area. This is followed by a loud noise. You ask the guide what is going on. They tell you that recent high rainfall has raised local river levels and caused an infestation of rats. The noise was a specialist pest control stunning device being triggered. You check the device in the corner and find there is a large immobile rat contained within it.

What three actions would be appropriate to take next?
A. Take no further action. This is an ISMS audit, not an environmental management system audit
B. Investigate whether pest infestation is an identified risk and if so, what risk treatment is to be applied
C. Determine whether the high levels of rainfall have had other impacts on data centre operations e.g. damage to infrastructure, access issues for clients, invocation of business continuity arrangements
D. Raise a nonconformity against control 7.4 Physical Security monitoring
E. Raise a nonconformity against control 7.2 Physical Entry

B. Investigate whether pest infestation is an identified risk and if so, what risk treatment is to be applied
C. Determine whether the high levels of rainfall have had other impacts on data centre operations e.g. damage to infrastructure, access issues for clients, invocation of business continuity arrangements


The appropriate actions to take next are to investigate whether pest infestation is an identified risk and if so, what risk treatment is to be applied, to determine whether the high levels of rainfall have had other impacts on data centre operations, and to check with the guide that they intend to initiate the organisation’s information security incident process. These actions are relevant to the ISMS audit objectives and criteria, as they relate to the organisation’s risk assessment and treatment, security performance, and incident management processes. The other actions are either not within the scope of the ISMS audit, not required by the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, or not the responsibility of the auditor. References: PECB Candidate Handbook1, page 21-22; ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (en)2, clauses 6.1, 8.2, 9.1, and 10.2.

Question # 3

Which one of the following options best describes the main purpose of a Stage 2 third-party audit?
A. To determine readiness for certification
B. To check for legal compliance by the organisation
C. To identify nonconformances against a standard
D. To get to know the organisation's management system

C. To identify nonconformances against a standard

The main purpose of a Stage 2 third-party audit is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the organisation’s management system and to identify any nonconformances against the requirements of the standard12. The other options are either the objectives of a Stage 1 audit (A, D) or a specific aspect of the audit scope (B). References: 1: ISO/IEC 27006:2022, Information technology — Security techniques — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems, Clause 9.2 \n2: PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor Exam Preparation Guide, Domain 4: Preparing an ISO/IEC 27001 audit

Question # 4

Which two of the following phrases would apply to "act" in relation to the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle for a business process?
A. Auditing processes
B. Planning changes
C. Measuring objectives
D. Resetting objectives
E. Achieving improvements

D. Resetting objectives
E. Achieving improvements

The Act phase of the PDCA cycle is where the organisation takes actions to improve its processes and performance based on the results of the Check phase. This may involve resetting objectives to make them more realistic, achievable or challenging, or implementing changes to address the root causes of problems and achieve the desired outcomes. The Act phase is also where the organisation monitors the effects of the actions taken and evaluates their effectiveness and efficiency. The Act phase is important because it enables the organisation to learn from its experience and continually improve its ISMS. References: What is ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’? A framework for continuous improvement, PDCA in ISO27001 - Free guide to learn | Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, PECB Candidate Handbook ISO 27001 Lead Auditor (page 12)

Question # 5

You are conducting a third-party surveillance audit when another member of the audit team approaches you seeking clarification. They have been asked to assess the organisation's application of control 5.7 - Threat Intelligence. They are aware that this is one of the new controls introduced in the 2022 edition of ISO/IEC 27001, and they want to make sure they audit the control correctly.

They have prepared a checklist to assist them with their audit and want you to confirm that their planned activities are aligned with the control's requirements.

Which three of the following options represent valid audit trails?

A. I will determine whether internal and external sources of information are used in the production of threat intelligence
B. I will ensure that the task of producing threat intelligence is assigned to the organisation's internal audit team
C. I will ensure that the organisation's risk assessment process begins with effective threat intelligence
D. I will check that the organisation has a fully documented threat intelligence process
E. I will check that threat intelligence is actively used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the organisation's information assets

A. I will determine whether internal and external sources of information are used in the production of threat intelligence
D. I will check that the organisation has a fully documented threat intelligence process
E. I will check that threat intelligence is actively used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the organisation's information assets

The options that represent valid audit trails for assessing the organisation's application of control 5.7 - Threat Intelligence, according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, are:

Option A: I will determine whether internal and external sources of information are used in the production of threat intelligence. This is relevant because effective threat intelligence typically requires gathering information from multiple sources to be comprehensive.

Option D: I will check that the organisation has a fully documented threat intelligence process. Proper documentation is a core requirement in ISO standards to ensure processes are defined, implemented, and maintained consistently.

Option E: I will check that threat intelligence is actively used to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organisation's information assets. This verifies that the output of threat intelligence is being used effectively within the organisation's information security practices.

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