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Juniper JN0-664 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two statements about IS-IS are correct? (Choose two.)
A. PSNPs are used to acknowledge a received LSP.
B. CSNPs are used to acknowledge a received LSP.
C. CSNPs are used to request a missing LSP.
D. PSNPs are used to request a missing LSP.

A. PSNPs are used to acknowledge a received LSP.

D. PSNPs are used to request a missing LSP.


Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) is a link-state routing protocol used to move information efficiently within a computer network. It uses a series of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) to manage the network's topology and ensure consistency across all routers in the network. Specifically, Link State PDUs (LSPs), Complete Sequence Number PDUs (CSNPs), and Partial Sequence Number PDUs (PSNPs) play crucial roles in this process.

1. PSNPs (Partial Sequence Number PDUs):

Acknowledge a received LSP: PSNPs are used to acknowledge the receipt of LSPs. When a router receives an LSP, it sends a PSNP back to the sender to confirm that the LSP has been received.

Request a missing LSP: PSNPs are also used to request missing LSPs. If a router identifies a missing LSP based on sequence numbers, it can send a PSNP to request the specific LSP from its neighbors.

2. CSNPs (Complete Sequence Number PDUs):

 Summarize LSPs: CSNPs are used to summarize all the LSPs known to a router. They are typically sent at regular intervals to provide a complete list of LSPs in a database. They are not used to acknowledge or request specific LSPs but provide an overview of all LSPs for database synchronization.

Based on this understanding, let's evaluate the statements:

A. PSNPs are used to acknowledge a received LSP.

Correct. PSNPs serve the purpose of acknowledging LSPs received from other routers.

B. CSNPs are used to acknowledge a received LSP.

Incorrect. CSNPs are not used for acknowledging LSPs; they are used to provide a summary of all LSPs.

C. CSNPs are used to request a missing LSP.

Incorrect. CSNPs are not used to request missing LSPs; this is the role of PSNPs.

D. PSNPs are used to request a missing LSP.

Correct. PSNPs are used to request specific missing LSPs when a router detects that it is missing information.


The correct statements about IS-IS are:

A. PSNPs are used to acknowledge a received LSP.

D. PSNPs are used to request a missing LSP.


Juniper Networks Documentation on IS-IS: [IS-IS Overview](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/concept/is-is-routing-overview.html)

RFC 1195, Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual Environments: [RFC 1195](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1195) which details the operation and use of IS-IS, including the roles of PSNPs and CSNPs.

Question # 2

Which three mechanisms are used by Junos platforms to evaluate incoming traffic for CoS purposes? (Choose three )
A. Rewrite rules
B. Behavior aggregate classifiers
C. Traffic shapers
D. Fixed classifiers
E. Multifield Classifiers

B. Behavior aggregate classifiers

D. Fixed classifiers

E. Multifield Classifiers


Junos platforms use different mechanisms to evaluate incoming traffic for CoS purposes, such as: Behavior aggregate classifiers: These classifiers use a single field in a packet header to classify traffic into different forwarding classes and loss priorities based on predefined or user-defined values.

Fixed classifiers: These classifiers use a fixed field in a packet header to classify traffic into different forwarding classes and loss priorities based on predefined values.

Multifield classifiers: These classifiers use multiple fields in a packet header to classify traffic into different forwarding classes and loss priorities based on user-defined values and filters. Rewrite rules and traffic shapers are not used to evaluate incoming traffic for CoS purposes, but rather to modify or shape outgoing traffic based on CoS policies.

Question # 3

In OSPF, how does a router ensure that LSAs advertised to a neighboring router are received?
A. LSA flooding guarantees that all routers will receive them successfully.
B. LSAs are sent over a TCP connection.
C. LSAs are acknowledged by the neighboring router.
D. LSAs are advertised with an acknowledgement bit.

C. LSAs are acknowledged by the neighboring router.


OSPF Protocol Basics:

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a link-state routing protocol.

Routers exchange LSAs (Link-State Advertisements) to share topology information.

LSA Acknowledgment Mechanism:

OSPF uses a reliable mechanism to ensure LSAs are received.

When a router sends an LSA to a neighbor, it expects an acknowledgment (ACK).

If an ACK is not received within a certain period, the router will retransmit the LSA.

Acknowledgment Process:

LSAs are sent over OSPF's reliable transport, which ensures delivery through acknowledgments.

This mechanism helps to maintain consistent and up-to-date topology databases across routers.



Understanding OSPF Operations

Question # 4

When using OSPFv3 for an IPv4 environment, which statement is correct?
A. OSPFv3 only supports IPv4.
B. OSPFv3 supports both IPv6 and IPv4, but not in the same routing instance.
C. OSPFv3 is not backward compatible with IPv4
D. OSPFv3 supports IPv4 only on interfaces with family inet6 defined

D. OSPFv3 supports IPv4 only on interfaces with family inet6 defined

Question # 5

Which two statements are correct about VPLS tunnels? (Choose two.)
A. LDP-signaled VPLS tunnels only support control bit 0.
B. LDP-signaled VPLS tunnels use auto-discovery to provision sites
C. BGP-signaled VPLS tunnels can use either RSVP or LDP between the PE routers.
D. BGP-signaled VPLS tunnels require manual provisioning of sites.

A. LDP-signaled VPLS tunnels only support control bit 0.

C. BGP-signaled VPLS tunnels can use either RSVP or LDP between the PE routers.




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