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  • Last Updation Date: 27-Jan-2025
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Salesforce Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An organization would like to show its account managers specific data points for Sales Agreements terms based on business needs. What is the first step in providing these insights to the account reps?
A. Enabling custom metrics
B. Allowing account reps to add agreement terms
C. Enabling metric groups

C. Enabling metric groups

The first step in providing insights to the account reps is enabling metric groups. Metric groups are collections of metrics that are relevant for a specific business scenario or use case. They allow account managers to view and compare agreement terms for different metrics, such as revenue, volume, margin, and so on1. Enabling custom metrics and allowing account reps to add agreement terms are not the first steps, as they require metric groups to be enabled first23. References: 1: Create Metric Groups for Sales Agreements4, 2: Map Custom Fields of Sales Agreement Products and Schedules, 3: Select Metrics to Display in Agreement Terms.

Question # 2

Manufacturing Cloud supports which two types of Experience Clouds?
A. Customer
B. Partner
C. External Apps (+)
D. Internal
E. Employee

A. Customer
B. Partner
Explanation: Manufacturing Cloud supports two types of Experience Clouds: Customer and Partner. Experience Cloud is a digital experience platform that enables you to create secure websites, portals, and apps with connected data. Customer Experience Cloud allows you to build self-service portals, help centers, and storefronts for your customers, where they can access their account information, order products, manage cases, and more. Partner Experience Cloud allows you to build partner portals, channel management solutions, and microsites for your partners, where they can collaborate with you, manage leads and opportunities, access marketing campaigns, and more. Manufacturing Cloud also provides a standard Manufacturing Experience Cloud Template that includes two key functionalities: Sales Agreements and Account Based Forecasts.

Question # 3

The administrator at Bonsai Manufacturing wants to renew several sales agreements. Which status on the sales agreement restricts the administrator from renewing?
A. Expired
B. Activated
C. Approved

B. Activated
Explanation: A sales agreement can be renewed only when it is in the renewal period, which is defined by the number of days before the end date of the agreement. A sales agreement that is expired or approved can be renewed if it is within the renewal period. However, a sales agreement that is activated cannot be renewed, because it means that the agreement is currently active and has not reached its end date or renewal period.

Question # 4

During the discovery phase, sales leadership at Universal Containers says that their run rate business is hard to forecast because their customer constantly orders more or fewer engine control units than contractually agreed upon. Which Manufacturing Cloud capability should a consultant recommend for managers to discuss these variances with sales reps and for sales reps to monitor their customers?
A. Leverage a Data Processing Engine (DPE) job to calculate the forecast deviation.
B. Use a formula field on the Sales Agreement Product Schedule object to calculate the forecast deviation.
C. Set up the CRM Analytics template app and leverage embedded dashboards for forecast deviation on the Account page.

C. Set up the CRM Analytics template app and leverage embedded dashboards for forecast deviation on the Account page.

Question # 5

Which three conditions need to be fulfilled so that an order is included in the Actuals calculation process on a Sales Agreement?
A. The order needs to have Status = Activated.
B. The date in the Order Date field should be in the past.
C. The date in the Order Date field should be in the future.
D. The order needs to have Category = Activated.
E. The Sales Agreement field needs to be populated on the Order.

A. The order needs to have Status = Activated.
B. The date in the Order Date field should be in the past.
E. The Sales Agreement field needs to be populated on the Order.
Actuals are the quantities of products that have been fulfilled or shipped to the customer as part of a sales agreement1. Manufacturing Cloud calculates actuals based on orders that are associated with a sales agreement2. For an order to be included in the actuals calculation process, the following three conditions need to be fulfilled23:

The order needs to have Status = Activated. Only activated orders are considered for actuals calculation. Draft orders are not included.
The date in the Order Date field should be in the past. Only orders with a start date that is on or before the current date are considered for actuals calculation. Future orders are not included.
The Sales Agreement field needs to be populated on the order. Only orders that have a reference to a sales agreement record are considered for actuals calculation. Orders that are not linked to a sales agreement are not included.

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