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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which action removes the [[crm_deleted]] flag from a prospect record?
A. Undeleting the record in Salesforce
B. Re-submitting a form by a prospect
C. Unchecking "CRM Deleted- on the prospect record
D. Removing the prospect from the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement recycle bin

A. Undeleting the record in Salesforce
Explanation: The [[crm_deleted]] flag is a system field that indicates whether a prospect record has been deleted in Salesforce. The only action that removes this flag from a prospect record is undeleting the record in Salesforce. Re-submitting a form by a prospect, unchecking “CRM Deleted” on the prospect record, or removing the prospect from the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement recycle bin will not remove the flag, as the prospect will still be deleted in Salesforce2. References: 2: [System Fields]

Question # 2

What is required for a record in salesforce to be synced or created as a prospect record in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement?
A. Name
B. Company
C. Phone
D. Email address

D. Email address
Explanation: The only required field for a record in Salesforce to be synced or created as a prospect record in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement is the email address. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement uses the email address as the unique identifier for prospects, so it is mandatory for any record to sync between the two platforms. Other fields, such as name, company, or phone, are optional and can be mapped between Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Salesforce, but they are not required for the sync to happen.

Question # 3

What must be true for a Salesforce Opportunity to sync to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement?
A. The Opportunity must have the "Marketing Cloud Account Engagement" record type.
B. The Opportunity must be sourced by Marketing Cloud Account Engagement marketing activities.
C. The Opportunity must have a Contact Role that is syncing to a prospect in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
D. The Opportunity must be created by a Sales user who is also a user in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.

C. The Opportunity must have a Contact Role that is syncing to a prospect in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Explanation: For a Salesforce Opportunity to sync to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, the Opportunity must have a Contact Role that is syncing to a prospect in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. This means that the Contact Role must be associated with a Contact record that has a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement prospect record. The Opportunity record type, source, or creator are not relevant for the sync.

Question # 4

What do spam complaints refer to in an email report?
A. The number of prospects who clicked the unsubscribe link
B. The number of prospects who replied to the email to ask to be removed
C. The number of prospects who opted out via the email preference center
D. The number of prospects who marked an email as spam

D. The number of prospects who marked an email as spam
Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, spam complaints refer to the number of prospects who marked an email as spam in an email report. An email report is a report that shows the performance and results of an email send, such as opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, and spam complaints. A spam complaint is recorded when a prospect clicks the spam or junk button in their email client, indicating that they do not want to receive emails from the sender. Spam complaints can negatively affect the sender’s reputation and deliverability, so it is important to monitor and minimize them. Spam complaints do not refer to the number of prospects who clicked the unsubscribe link, replied to the email to ask to be removed, or opted out via the email preference center, as these are different ways of unsubscribing from emails, not marking them as spam.

Question # 5

An administrator wants to create a list that contains all prospects who complete the Contact Us form, but will later remove any prospects if they become marked as opted out. If a prospect later opts back in, they should be added back to the list. How should the list be created?
A. Use an automation rule to automatically add or remove prospects to the list if they submit the form, but aren't opted out.
B. Use a dynamic list to automatically add or remove prospects based on the form completion and their opt out status
C. Use a completion action on the form to automatically add anyone who completes it to the list
D. Use table actions to add prospects to the list if they've filled out the form, but haven't opted out from communications

B. Use a dynamic list to automatically add or remove prospects based on the form completion and their opt out status
Explanation: The best way to create a list that contains all prospects who complete the Contact Us form, but will later remove any prospects if they become marked as opted out, is to use a dynamic list. A dynamic list is a list that automatically adds or removes prospects based on criteria that you define. In this case, the criteria would be based on the form completion and the opt out status of the prospect. A dynamic list would also add prospects back to the list if they opt back in. The other options are not as efficient or effective as a dynamic list, as they would require manual intervention or additional automation steps.

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