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  • Last Updation Date: 16-Jan-2025
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Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.5 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An administrator was reviewing various AOS logs when a it was noticed that the time of the logs were off by several hours.
Which initial step was missed during the post process cluster configuration?
A. Setting the cluster time zone via PC GUI
B. Setting the cluster time zone via CVM NCLI
C. Setting the cluster time zone via PE GUI
D. Setting the cluster time zone via CVM ACLI

B. Setting the cluster time zone via CVM NCLI

Question # 2

CPU utilization climbs above 90% on several VMs. This causes performance degradation for a business-critical application.
How can alerts be configured to notify the administrator before VM CPU utilization hits 90%?
A. On a CVM, use ncli to set the VM CPU Check threshold for the critical VMs to a value below 90%.
B. On the Health dashboard, locate the VM CPU Check and lower the alert threshold below 90%.
C. On a CVM, configure a cron job to run the VM CPU Check more frequently and email the result.
D. On the Alerts dashboard, ensure that the VM CPU usage alert is not set to auto-resolve.

B. On the Health dashboard, locate the VM CPU Check and lower the alert threshold below 90%.

Question # 3

A recently configured cluster is leveraging NearSync with a recovery schedule of 15 minutes. It is noticed that the cluster is consistently transitioning in an Out of NearSyne.
What action should be taken to potentially address this issue?
A. Increase network bandwidth
B. Change the NearSync schedule to 30 minutes.
C. Add a vCPUs to the user VMs.
D. Configure a secondary schedule in the same Protection Domain.

A. Increase network bandwidth
Explanation: One of the possible reasons for a cluster to transition out of NearSync is insufficient network bandwidth between the source and target clusters. NearSync requires a minimum network bandwidth of 10 Mbps per VM for replication3. If the network bandwidth is lower than the required amount, the replication of recovery points may take longer than the configured RPO, resulting in an Out of NearSync condition. To address this issue, you can increase the network bandwidth between the clusters or reduce the number of VMs protected by NearSync4.
References: 1: Stargate - Nutanix Bible 2: Nutanix Cluster Architecture Overview - Nutanix Bible 3: NearSync Disaster Recovery (RPO <= 15 minutes) - Nutanix Support & Insights 4: Transitioning in and out of NearSync - Nutanix Support & Insights

Question # 4

An administrator logs into the Nutanix Support Portal and notices there is a new version of the LCM Framework available. In an effort ensure LCM is providing the latest features, the administrator would like to upgrade LCM.
How can the LCM Framework be upgraded?
A. Perform an LCM inventory
B. Upload the latest LCM Framework as an image in the image Configuration in Prism
C. Upload the latest LCM Framework bundle via Upgrade Software in Prism
D. Upgrade AOS

A. Perform an LCM inventory
Explanation: LCM (Life Cycle Manager) is a feature that allows Nutanix administrators to perform one-click firmware and software upgrades for Nutanix clusters and components. LCM fetches inventory and update information from a pre-configured URL that contains the latest versions of firmware and software packages. However, upgrading Nutanix AOS does not automatically update the fetch URL. To update the fetch URL, the administrator needs to update the LCM framework. The LCM framework is the core component of LCM that provides the logic and functionality for inventory, download, and upgrade operations1.
To upgrade the LCM framework, the administrator needs to perform an LCM inventory. An LCM inventory is a process that scans the cluster and its components for their current firmware and software versions and compares them with the available versions from the fetch URL. If there is a newer version of the LCM framework available, it will be shown as an update option under Cluster Software Component in the Available Updates page. The administrator can then select and apply the LCM framework update to upgrade it to the latest version2.
The administrator can perform an LCM inventory using Prism Element or Prism Central. The steps are as follows3:
In Prism Element, go to the Network Configuration page and click Life Cycle Management.
In Prism Central, go to the Services page and click Life Cycle Management.
Click Inventory in the toolbar and select Perform Inventory from the drop-down menu.
Wait for the inventory process to complete and check for any available updates.
Reference: [Reference: LCM: Upgrade process and Path for LCM, ]

Question # 5

How will an HDD failure affect VMs with data on the failed device?
A. The VMs will crash, and will be restarted once the failed HDD has been replaced and the data has been restored.
B. A live migration will be initiated, moving the affected VMs to a host that contains the replica data.
C. The VMs will remain operational on that host and continue to function normally with no noticeable impact
D. An HA event will occur, causing the affected VMs to restart on a node that contains the replica data.

D. An HA event will occur, causing the affected VMs to restart on a node that contains the replica data.
Explanation: According to the Troubleshooting hosted disk I/O performance problems (1008885), when using VMware hosted products, consider that both the virtual machines and host operating system often share the same disk resources and hardware. If a hard disk fails, the virtual machines that have data on the failed device will experience an HA event, causing them to restart on a node that contains the replica data.

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