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The Open Group OGEA-103 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What are the following activities part of?
  • Risk classification
  • Risk identification
  • Initial risk assessment
A. Security Architecture
B. Phase A
C. Phase G
D. Risk Management

D. Risk Management
Risk management is a generic technique that can be applied across all phases of the Architecture Development Method (ADM), as well as in the Preliminary Phase and the Requirements Management Phase2. Risk management involves the following steps1:

Risk identification: This step involves identifying the potential risks that may affect the architecture project, such as technical, business, organizational, environmental, or legal risks. The risks can be identified through various sources, such as stakeholder interviews, workshops, surveys, checklists, historical data, or expert judgment.

Risk classification: This step involves categorizing the risks based on their nature, source, impact, and priority. The risks can be classified according to different criteria, such as time, cost, scope, quality, security, or compliance. The classification helps in prioritizing the risks and allocating resources and efforts to address them effectively.

Initial risk assessment: This step involves assessing the likelihood and impact of each risk, and determining the initial level of risk. The likelihood is the probability of the risk occurring, and the impact is the severity of the consequences if the risk occurs. The initial level of risk is the product of the likelihood and impact, and it indicates the urgency and importance of the risk. The initial risk assessment helps in identifying the most critical risks that need immediate attention and mitigation.

Question # 2

Consider the following statements:

1. Groups of countries, governments, or governmental organizations (such as militaries) working together to create common or shareable deliverables or infrastructures
2. Partnerships and alliances of businesses working together, such as a consortium or supply chain

What are those examples of according to the TOGAF Standard?
A. Enterprises
B. Organizations
C. Business Units
D. Architectures Scopes

D. Architectures Scopes

According to the TOGAF standard, the two statements provided refer to different scopes within which architecture can be developed:

Groups of countries, governments, or governmental organizations working together typically align with broader, often international, scopes of architecture that transcend individual enterprise boundaries.

Partnerships and alliances of businesses working together, such as a consortium or supply chain, refer to collaborative efforts that can define architecture at a scope involving multiple enterprises.
In both cases, the term "Architectures Scopes" is appropriate because it reflects the varying levels and contexts in which architectures can be defined, ranging from single business units to collaborative inter-organizational efforts.

Question # 3

Complete the sentence The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to_______________.
A. take major improvement decisions
B. control the bigger changes
C. guide effective change
D. govern the stakeholders

C. guide effective change

The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to guide effective change by providing a coherent and consistent view of the enterprise’s current and future state, as well as the roadmap and principles for achieving it. Enterprise Architecture helps to align business and IT strategies, optimize resources and investments, reduce complexity and risks, enhance agility and innovation, and deliver value to stakeholders. Reference: The TOGAF® Standard | The Open Group Website, Section 1.3 Executive Overview.

Question # 4

You are working as an Enterprise Architect at a large company. The company runs many retail stores as well as an online marketplace that allows hundreds of brands to partner with the company. The company has a mature Enterprise Architecture (EA) practice and uses the TOGAF standard for its architecture development method. The EA practice is involved in all aspects of the business, with oversight provided by an Architecture Board with representatives from different parts of the business. The EA program is sponsored by the Chief Information Officer (CIO).
Many of the stores remain open all day and night. Each store uses a standard method to track sales and inventory, which involves sending accurate, timely sales data to a central AI-based inventory management system that can predict demand, adjust stock levels, and automate reordering. The central inventory management system is housed at the company’s central data center.
The company has acquired a major rival. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) believes that the merger will enable growth through combined offerings and cost savings. The decision has been made to fully integrate the two organizations, including merging retail operations and systems. Duplicated systems will be replaced with one standard retail management system. The CIO expects significant savings from these changes across the newly merged company.
The rival company has successfully implemented the use of hand-held devices within stores for both customers and staff, which has increased satisfaction due to time savings. The CIO has approved the rollout of these devices to all stores but has stated that training should be brief, as there are many part-time employees.
You have been asked to confirm the most relevant architecture principles for this transformation. Based on the TOGAF Standard, which of the following is the best answer?
A. Common Vocabulary and Data Definitions, Compliance with the Law, Requirements Based Change, Responsive Change Management, Data Security
B. Control Technical Diversity, Interoperability, Data is an Asset, Data is Shared, Business Continuity
C. Common Use Applications, Data is an Asset, Data is Accessible, Ease of Use, Business Continuity
D. Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise, Common Use Applications, Data is an Asset, Responsive Change Management, Technology Independence

D. Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise, Common Use Applications, Data is an Asset, Responsive Change Management, Technology Independence
In this scenario, the enterprise is undergoing significant transformation due to a merger and the adoption of new technology (hand-held devices). Several key principles from TOGAF's ADM Techniques—particularly those focused on promoting enterprise-wide standardization, adaptability, and data utilization—are pertinent here:

Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise: This principle emphasizes that all architectural decisions should deliver maximum business value. Given that the company is integrating systems to cut costs and improve offerings, maximizing the benefit is crucial. Ensuring that the EA efforts align with enterprise-wide benefits supports the goal of optimizing costs and enhancing offerings, which aligns with the CEO’s vision for the merger.

Common Use Applications: Standardizing applications across the merged entity will be essential to achieve cost savings and to simplify operations. The goal of reducing the number of applications fits with this principle, ensuring that reusable and widely adopted applications support business functions across the organization. Adopting this principle will also aid in harmonizing the systems from both organizations and avoiding unnecessary diversity.

Data is an Asset: Data plays a central role in the company's operations, especially with the use of AI-driven inventory management and the integration of systems. Treating data as an asset is essential for reliable and accurate decision-making. This principle ensures that data is viewed as a critical enterprise resource and is managed with care, maintaining integrity, accuracy, and value.

Responsive Change Management: The organization’s ability to adapt quickly and effectively to changes, such as integrating new handheld devices and merging systems, is essential. This principle will facilitate the smooth transition required for integrating the new handheld devices and the merger-related system updates while minimizing disruption to store operations.

Technology Independence: Since the enterprise will likely encounter varied technologies from the merger, it is crucial to maintain flexibility. This principle advocates for using technology solutions that are adaptable and not bound to a single vendor or specific technology. This ensures that the enterprise can integrate various technological components from both organizations and evolve with minimal constraints.

These principles align well with TOGAF's broader recommendations for guiding architectural changes, as found in Section 2.6 of the TOGAF ADM Techniques. They ensure that the EA practice is aligned with business objectives while maintaining flexibility, data integrity, and a focus on enterprise-wide benefits. These guiding principles are critical for the successful execution of the integration and adoption of new technologies while achieving cost efficiencies and improving service delivery.

Question # 5

Which of the following describes a purpose of Architecture Principles?
A. To describe likely impacts resulting from successful deployment of the target architecture.
B. To establish a common understanding of how to control the business in pursuit of strategic objectives
C. To provide a better understanding about the enterprise's culture and values
D. To form a contract between sponsoring organization and the enterprise architects

B. To establish a common understanding of how to control the business in pursuit of strategic objectives

Architecture Principles are general rules and guidelines that inform and support the way in which an organization sets about fulfilling its mission. They reflect a level of consensus among the various elements of the enterprise, and form the basis for making future IT decisions. One of the purposes of Architecture Principles is to establish a common understanding of how to control the business in pursuit of strategic objectives, by providing a framework for evaluating and agreeing on the changes that affect the enterprise’s architecture3 References: 3: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques, Chapter 23: Architecture Principles : The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part IV: Architecture Content Framework, Chapter 31: Architecture Principles

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