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  • Last Updation Date: 27-Jan-2025
  • Certification: Project+
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CompTIA PK0-005 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

During the initiation phase, a stakeholder and the project manager discuss the business reasons and benefits of the project. The stakeholder requests these items be documented for approval. Which of the following should be used to document this information?
A. Statement of work
B. Business case
C. Requirements document
D. Work breakdown structure

B. Business case
Explanation: A business case documents the rationale and expected benefits of a project. This document is essential for project approval and aligns with CompTIA Project+ guidance on project initiation and planning.

Question # 2

A project is executed to migrate all data to a single system following the merger of two companies. The team validates that system performance will not be impacted. Which of the following did the team perform?
A. Regression testing
B. Smoke testing
C. Stress testing
D. Automation testing

C. Stress testing

Question # 3

A lessons-learned meeting took more than two hours and ended without defining a standardized process. The project manager decides to move forward without allowing changes to the existing process. Which of the following techniques is the project manager using?
A. Forcing
B. Avoiding
C. Compromising
D. Smoothing

A. Forcing
Explanation: Forcing is a conflict resolution technique where the project manager makes a decision unilaterally, without seeking consensus. According to CompTIA Project+, forcing may be used when time is critical, and decisions need to be made promptly.

Question # 4

A project manager, who finished a project some time ago, keeps receiving questions from another project manager who is currently leading a similar project. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this situation?
A. The retrospective session feedback was not communicated properly.
B. The project resources were released ahead of time.
C. The documentation was not archived as per the PMO standards.
D. The validation of deliverables is running behind schedule.

C. The documentation was not archived as per the PMO standards.
Explanation: Archiving project documentation is an important process to ensure that the project information is stored, retrieved, and updated in a consistent and efficient manner1. It also helps to meet legal requirements, enable long-term analysis, and support new projects and team members1. If the documentation was not archived as per the PMO standards, it would be difficult for the current project manager to find the relevant documents and learn from the previous project. This would cause the current project manager to keep asking questions to the previous project manager, who may not have all the answers or may not be available. Therefore, the most likely cause of this situation is that the documentation was not archived as per the PMO
standards. References = CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-005, 3rd Edition, Chapter 14: Closing the Project, page 403; How to Archive a Completed Project: A Guide for PMOs, Introduction and Benefits sections.

Question # 5

A visual that displays team progress was created for stand-up meetings. Which of the following BEST describes what is being represented on the visual?
A. Decision board
B. Whiteboard
C. Task board
D. Dashboard

C. Task board
Explanation: A task board is a visual tool that displays team progress for stand-up meetings. A task board usually consists of columns that represent different stages or statuses of tasks, such as to do, in progress, done, or blocked. Each task is represented by a card or sticky note that can be moved across the columns as the task progresses. A task board can help to facilitate communication, collaboration, and transparency among team members and stakeholders. It can also help to track and manage work flow, prioritize tasks, identify bottlenecks, and resolve issues3

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