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PRINCE2 PRINCE2-Practitioner Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Techniques, processes and procedures
1. Any threat that may result in a loss of MFH data must be escalated immediately.
Joint agreements
2. Work is to start at the beginning of week 2 (Stage 4).
3. The project will take two years to complete, at an estimated cost of £2.5m.
4. None.
5. MFH staff must not be involved in any heavy lifting during the removal of existing IT
6. Installation work must take place during MFH normal working hours.
7. +£10,000 / -£25,000.
Reporting arrangements
8. Highlight Report every Monday by 10.00 am.
9. The report must contain a summary of all products worked on during the previous week.
10. Project Manager must be notified of any issues immediately by telephone.
Problem handling and escalation
11. Impact analysis of all issues must be completed within 24 hours.
Extracts or references
12. The Stage Plan for stage 4 is available from Project Support.
Approval method
13. Project Assurance will review the completed Work Package and confirm completion
Column 1 is a list of actions that occur during the Controlling a Stage process. For each
action in Column 1, select from Column 2 the PRINCE2 theme that is being applied. Each
selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Drop down the answer from column 1 to column 2.

Question # 2

Which statement best explains the purpose of Tailor to suit the project environment?


Ensure project controls are based on project's scale, complexity, importance, capability
and risk


To use a set of pre-defined templates for the size of project


To tailor the use of the principles to suit the project


To pick which PRINCE2 processes to apply and which to leave out


To pick which PRINCE2 processes to apply and which to leave out

Question # 3

Product Summary
A list of customers will be collated. This will use existing information from the Accounts
department about current customers, and existing information from the Marketing
department about prospective customers.
Using the tariff of mailing costs available from the Post Office, a production cost forecast
will be produced to allow the CEO and the Marketing Director to decide whether to continue
with the project. If they decide to continue, they will give the approval to launch the internal
label design competition. Competition rules will be required to communicate details of the
competition to the staff. The chosen label design will then be selected from the competition
The photos for the calendar must be based on existing photo design ideas available from
the Marketing department. The selected photos will be chosen from these. Monthly
calendar displays will be created to show the required layout of each page.
Product Breakdown Structure (contains errors)

Using the Project Scenario and the Extract from Stage Plan for stage 3 provided as
additional intonation for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following 5
The Stage Plan for stage 3 has been produced.
The Engineering Manager insists that there are to be no interruptions to operations whilst
photographs are being taken of the engineering staff performing their everyday duties and
operating machinery. Two weeks ago the professional photographer produced the photo
session schedule based on the operational staff schedule. The operational staff schedule is
produced weekly and maintained by the Engineering Manager.
None of the £500 change budget has been used to date and this is available for the stage.
Which 2 statements apply to the Budgets section?


Amend entry 15 because it should also include the cost of management activities.


Delete entry 16 because timescales should NOT be shown under the heading of


Delete entry 17 because the risk budget should be shown in the Risk Management


Add 'Change budget - £500'.


Add 'Cost tolerance - +£6k 1-£6k


Amend entry 15 because it should also include the cost of management activities.


Add 'Change budget - £500'.

Question # 4

Extract from the Project Product Description (with errors)

Question # 5

Project Scenario – Health and Safety Training Project:
ABC Company is a well-established training company that uses a standard model to develop training materials
and deliver courses to customers.
ABC Company has commissioned a project in response to recent changes in government legislation relating to
health and safety on construction sites. The project will deliver “capability to provide health and safety
training”, including the materials needed for classroom-based training and e-learning. The expected benefits
for construction companies include a reduction in lost days and legal costs due to accidents.
The e-learning course will be developed by a specialist external consultancy. The materials for
classroom-based training will be delivered by ABC Company’s development team. All course materials will
be piloted before they are used. ABC Company will deliver training to its customers and also hopes to sell the
course materials to other training companies as part of their operational business. ABC Company will use their
own sales and marketing departments to promote the courses.
The legislation requires construction companies to comply with the new legislation within two years. The
course materials and trainers have to be accredited by a government agency before courses can be delivered.
ABC Company is planning to deliver pilot courses within five months of starting the project.
The ABC Company standard development model for new courses recommends the following stages:

End of the Project scenario.
Additional Information:
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) founded the company five years ago. Under her leadership, ABC
Company has grown quickly into a successful training company. It delivers a range of accredited professional
The Finance Director is also a founder member of ABC Company and is responsible for authorizing budgets
for the Operations and Development Teams. She authorizes all large contracts personally.
The Purchasing Manager reports to the Finance Director and is responsible for managing and monitoring
supplier contracts.
The Operations Director is responsible for the delivery off all training and for the training development
budget. His department organizes courses, venues and trainers. They work with the Product and the Sales
teams to provide a comprehensive training schedule. ABC Company’s IT manager reports to the Operations
The Business Development Director has recently been appointed to identify new training needs and propose
new products. She will work with the Operations. Director to ensure a cost-conscious approach and that
appropriate development technologies are used for the health and safety course.
The Training Development Manager reports to the Business Development Director and is responsible for
developing training materials and gaining accreditation, in accordance with the standard course development
model. Course developers in his team have skills in a range of development technologies and are allocated to
projects as needed.
The Training Delivery Manager, who reports to the Operations Director, is responsible for ensuring that
internal and external trainers deliver ABC Company training courses to the required standard. He also checks
course materials to ensure they are fit for purpose and of the required quality.
The Central Services Director has responsibility for corporate communications, facilities management and
configuration management. He recently led a project to consolidate all company quality systems into one
quality management system and set up a corporate quality department, now managed by the Corporate Quality
The Corporate Document Manager reports to the Central Services Director. She helped establish the
company’s document management system and now operates it across the business. She manages a team of
administrators and contracts staff when workload is high.
The Sales Director joined ABC Company two months ago and is keen to establish himself by suggesting new
markets for the courses and material. All account managers and the marketing team report to him. They
promote existing training courses to other training companies and existing customers.
End of the additional information.
ABC Company carried out a similar project two years ago, in response to changes in health and safety
legislation for the health service. The experiences from that project were used to refine the corporate risk
management policy. For that reason, the project board decided to use the corporate risk management policy in
the risk management approach for this project.
Is this appropriate, and why?


Yes, because experience from previous projects should be taken into account in the risk management


Yes, because the corporate risk management policy was updated, as a result of lessons from previous


No, because the risk management approach should be tailored to suit the project and its environment.


No, because a separate risk management approach is not necessary when the company has a risk
management policy


Yes, because experience from previous projects should be taken into account in the risk management

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