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PSE-SoftwareFirewall Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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PSE-Software Firewall Professional Exam Dumps


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Palo Alto Networks PSE-SoftwareFirewall Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two routing options are supported by VM-Series? (Choose two.)



The VM-Series firewalls support various dynamic routing protocols to ensure efficient and resilient network traffic management. Among these, OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) are supported. OSPF is used for intra-domain routing, while BGP is essential for inter-domain routing, allowing VM-Series to participate in complex and scalable network topologies.


Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Deployment Guide: VM-Series Deployment Guide
Palo Alto Networks Administrator’s Guide: Routing Protocols

Question # 2

Which solution is best for securing an EKS environment?
A. API orchestration
B. CN-Series high availability (HA) pair
C. PA-Series using load sharing
D. VM-Series single host

B. CN-Series high availability (HA) pair

CN-Series for EKS Security:

The CN-Series firewalls are specifically designed to secure Kubernetes environments, such as Amazon EKS. Deploying them in a high availability (HA) pair ensures robust, fault-tolerant security for containerized workloads, providing continuous protection and high availability.
[Reference: Palo Alto Networks documentation on CN-Series firewalls highlights their suitability and advantages for securing Kubernetes environments, including EKS, with HA configurations., Palo Alto Networks CN-Series Deployment Guide, , ]

Question # 3

A CN-Series firewall can secure traffic between which elements?
A. Host containers
B. Containers
C. Pods
D. Source applications

C. Pods

The CN-Series firewalls are specifically designed to secure containerized environments. They can secure traffic between Kubernetes pods, which are the smallest deployable units in a Kubernetes cluster, and are often composed of one or more containers. The primary focus of CN-Series firewalls is to ensure security within Kubernetes environments by managing traffic and enforcing security policies at the pod level.


Palo Alto Networks CN-Series Datasheet: CN-Series Datasheet
Palo Alto Networks CN-Series Documentation: CN-Series Documentation

Question # 4

What can be implemented in a CN-Series to protect communications between Dockers?
A. Data loss prevention (DLP)
B. Firewalling
C. Runtime security
D. Vulnerability management

B. Firewalling

In a CN-Series (Cloud Native) environment, protecting communications between Docker containers is crucial. CN-Series firewalls are designed to provide advanced firewalling capabilities within containerized environments:

Firewalling: The CN-Series firewall provides Layer 7 visibility, allowing for application-layer security policies and protections. It ensures that all inter-container traffic is inspected, filtered, and secured according to the defined security policies. This includes blocking malicious traffic, preventing unauthorized access, and providing micro-segmentation within the Kubernetes clusters.

[: CN-Series Containerized Firewall, , ]

Question # 5

How is traffic directed to a Palo Alto Networks firewall integrated with Cisco ACI?
A. Through a policy-based redirect (PBR)
B. By creating an access policy
C. By using contracts between endpoint groups that send traffic to the firewall using a shared policy
D. Through a virtual machine (VM) monitor domain

C. By using contracts between endpoint groups that send traffic to the firewall using a shared policy
In Cisco ACI, traffic is directed to a Palo Alto Networks firewall by creating contracts between endpoint groups (EPGs) that send traffic to the firewall. These contracts define the policy for communication between EPGs, ensuring that traffic is inspected and secured by the firewall before reaching its destination.


Cisco ACI and Palo Alto Networks Integration Guide: Contracts and Policies

Cisco ACI Fundamentals: ACI Contracts

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