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  • Last Updation Date: 16-Jan-2025
  • Certification: Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer
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Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer Exam Dumps


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Splunk SPLK-2003 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which app allows a user to run Splunk queries from with in Phantom?
A. Splunk App for Phantom
B. The Integrated Splunk/Phantom app.
C. Phantom App for Splunk.
D. Splunk App for Phantom Reporting.

A. Splunk App for Phantom
Explanation: The Splunk App for Phantom allows users to run Splunk queries directly from within the Phantom platform. This app facilitates the integration between Splunk and Phantom, enabling users to post data to Splunk as events, update notable events, run SPL (Search Processing Language) queries, and pull events from Splunk into Phantom. By configuring the asset settings and ingest settings in the configured asset, users can leverage the full capabilities of Splunk within the Phantom environment1.

Question # 2

Which of the following can the format block be used for?
A. To generate arrays for input into other functions.
B. To generate HTML or CSS content for output in email messages, user prompts, or comments.
C. To generate string parameters for automated action blocks.
D. To create text strings that merge state text with dynamic values for input or output.

D. To create text strings that merge state text with dynamic values for input or output.
Explanation: The format block in Splunk SOAR is utilized to construct text strings by merging static text with dynamic values, which can then be used for both input to other playbook blocks and output for reports, emails, or other forms of communication. This capability is essential for customizing messages, commands, or data processing tasks within a playbook, allowing for the dynamic insertion of variable data into predefined text templates. This feature enhances the playbook's ability to present information clearly and to execute actions that require specific parameter formats.

Question # 3

What is the default log level for system health debug logs?


The default log level for system health debug logs in Splunk SOAR is typically set to INFO. This log level provides a balance between verbosity and relevance, offering insights into the operational status of the system without the detailed granularity of DEBUG or the limited scope of WARN and ERROR levels.

The default log level for system health debug logs is INFO. This means that only informational messages and higher severity messages (such as WARN, ERROR, or CRITICAL) are written to the log files. You can adjust the logging level for each daemon running in Splunk SOAR to help debug or troubleshoot issues. For more details, see Configure the logging levels for Splunk SOAR (On-premises) daemons.

Question # 4

A customer wants to design a modular and reusable set of playbooks that all communicate with each other. Which of the following is a best practice for data sharing across playbooks?
A. Use the py-postgresq1 module to directly save the data in the Postgres database.
B. Cal the child playbooks getter function.
C. Create artifacts using one playbook and collect those artifacts in another playbook.
D. Use the Handle method to pass data directly between playbooks.

C. Create artifacts using one playbook and collect those artifacts in another playbook.
The correct answer is C because creating artifacts using one playbook and collecting those artifacts in another playbook is a best practice for data sharing across playbooks. Artifacts are data objects that are associated with a container and can be used to store information such as IP addresses, URLs, file hashes, etc. Artifacts can be created using the add artifact action in any playbook block and can be collected using the get artifacts action in the filter block. Artifacts can also be used to trigger active playbooks based on their label or type. See Splunk SOAR Documentation for more details.

In the context of Splunk SOAR, one of the best practices for data sharing across playbooks is to create artifacts in one playbook and use another playbook to collect and utilize those artifacts. Artifacts in Splunk SOAR are structured data related to security incidents (containers) that playbooks can act upon. By creating artifacts in one playbook, you can effectively pass data and context to subsequent playbooks, allowing for modular, reusable, and interconnected playbook designs. This approach promotes efficiency, reduces redundancy, and enhances the playbook's ability to handle complex workflows.

Question # 5

What users are included in a new installation of SOAR?
A. The admin and automation users are included by default.
B. The admin, power, and user users are included by default.
C. Only the admin user is included by default.
D. No users are included by default.

A. The admin and automation users are included by default.
The admin and automation users are included by default. Comprehensive Explanation and References of Correct Answer: According to the Splunk SOAR (On-premises) default credentials, script options, and sample configuration files documentation1, the default credentials on a new installation of Splunk SOAR (On-premises) are:

Web Interface Username: soar_local_admin password: password.
On Splunk SOAR (On-premises) deployments which have been upgraded from earlier releases the user account admin becomes a normal user account with the Administrator role.
The automation user is a special user account that is used by Splunk SOAR (On-premises) to run actions and playbooks. It has the Automation role, which grants it full access to all objects and data in Splunk SOAR (On-premises).
The other options are incorrect because they either omit the automation user or include users that are not created by default. For example, option B includes the power and user users, which are not part of the default installation. Option C only includes the admin user, which ignores the automation user. Option D claims that no users are included by default, which is false.
In a new installation of Splunk SOAR, two default user accounts are typically created: admin and automation. The admin account is intended for system administration tasks, providing full access to all features and settings within the SOAR platform. The automation user is a special account used for automated processes and scripts that interact with the SOAR platform, often without requiring direct human intervention. This user has specific permissions that can be tailored for automated tasks. Options B, C, and D do not accurately represent the default user accounts included in a new SOAR installation, making option A the correct answer.

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