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TCC-C01 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 55
  • Last Updation Date: 27-Jan-2025
  • Certification: Tableau Certified Consultant
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Tableau Certified Consultant Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated Tableau TCC-C01 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Tableau Certified Consultant certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Tableau dumps and pass your Tableau Certified Consultant exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Tableau TCC-C01 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A consultant plans a Tableau deployment for a client that uses Salesforce. The client wants users to automatically see Tableau views of regional sales filtered
by customer as soon as the users sign into Salesforce.
Which approach should the consultant use to deliver the final visualization?
A. Embed views into Salesforce.
B. Create a list of URLs that the users can click in Salesforce.
C. Publish to Tableau Mobile for viewing.
D. Create subscriptions for each view to deliver reports by email.

A. Embed views into Salesforce.

Question # 2

A client wants to report Saturday and Sunday regardless of the workbook's data source's locale settings.

Which calculation should the consultant recommend?
A. DATEPART('weekday', [Order Date])>=6
B. DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])>=6
C. DATENAME('iso-weekday', [Order Date])>=6
D. DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=1 or DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=7

D. DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=1 or DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=7

Question # 3

A client wants to report Saturday and Sunday regardless of the workbook's data source's locale settings. Which calculation should the consultant recommend?
A. DATEPART('weekday', [Order Date])>=6
B. DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])>=6
C. DATENAME('iso-weekday', [Order Date])>=6
D. DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=1 or DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=7

D. DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=1 or DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=7

The calculationDATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=1 or DATEPART('iso-weekday', [Order Date])=7is recommended because the ISO standard considers Monday as the first day of the week (1) and Sunday as the last day (7). This calculation will correctly identify Saturdays and Sundays regardless of the locale settings of the workbook’s data source, ensuring that the report includes these days as specified by the client.

References:The use of the ‘iso-weekday’ part in the DATEPART function is consistent with the ISO 8601 standard, which is independent of locale settings.This approach is supported by Tableau’s documentation on date functions and their behavior with different locale settings123.

To accurately identify weekends across different locale settings, using the 'iso-weekday' component is reliable as it is consistent across various locales:

ISO Weekday Function: The ISO standard treats Monday as the first day of the week (1), which makes Sunday the seventh day (7). This standardization helps avoiddiscrepancies in weekday calculations that might arise due to locale-specific settings.

Identifying Weekends: The calculation checks if the 'iso-weekday' part of the date is either 1 (Sunday) or 7 (Saturday), thereby correctly identifying weekends regardless of the locale settings.


Handling Locale-Specific Settings: Using ISO standards in date functions allows for uniform results across systems with differing locale settings, essential for consistent reporting in global applications.

Question # 4

A client wants to see the average number of orders per customer per month, broken down by region. The client has created the following calculated field:

Orders per Customer: {FIXED [Customer ID]: COUNTD([Order ID])}
The client then creates a line chart that plots AVG(Orders per Customer) over MONTH(Order Date) by Region. The numbers shown by this chart are far higher than the customer expects.

The client asks a consultant to rewrite the calculation so the result meets their expectation.

Which calculation should the consultant use?
A. {INCLUDE [Customer ID]: COUNTD([Order ID])}
B. {FIXED [Customer ID], [Region]: COUNTD([Order ID])}
C. {EXCLUDE [Customer ID]: COUNTD([Order ID])}
D. {FIXED [Customer ID], [Region], [Order Date]: COUNTD([Order ID])}

B. {FIXED [Customer ID], [Region]: COUNTD([Order ID])}

Question # 5

A client is considering migrating from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud.

Which two elements are determining factors of whether the client should use Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud? Choose two.
A. Whether or not the client plans to leverage single sign-on (SSO)
B. Whether or not there are large numbers of concurrent extract refreshes
C. Whether or not the client needs the ability to connect to public, cloud-based data sources
D. Amount of data storage used on the client's existing server

A. Whether or not the client plans to leverage single sign-on (SSO)
B. Whether or not there are large numbers of concurrent extract refreshes

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