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UiPath-ADAv1 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 254
  • Last Updation Date: 21-Jan-2025
  • Certification: UiPath Certified Professional - Developer Track
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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UiPath Certified Professional - Developer Track Exam Dumps


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UiPath UiPath-ADAv1 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What happens to existing project dependencies in UiPath Studio when converting a Windows-Legacy project to Windows?
A. Project dependencies are updated to the highest available version.
B. Project dependencies are completely removed.
C. Project dependencies remain unchanged.
D. Project dependencies are marked as unresolved.

A. Project dependencies are updated to the highest available version.
When converting a Windows-Legacy project to Windows, the project dependencies are automatically updated to the highest available version that is compatible with the Windows target framework. This is done to ensure that the project can use the latest features and improvements of the activities packages, as well as to avoid potential issues or conflicts with the legacy versions. The updated dependencies are reflected in the project.json file and the Manage Packages window of the project. The developer can also manually update the dependencies to a specific version if needed.

Deprecation of the Windows-Legacy Compatibility - UiPath Studio
Convert Windows Project to Windows-Legacy - UiPath Community Forum

Question # 2

What advantages do pre-built connectors in UiPath Integration Service offer?
A. Reducing the need for Ul and API automation, allowing developers to work exclusively with connectors.
B. Simplified integration with popular applications, faster deployment, and integration across all UiPath Platform product solutions.
C. Providing a fully customizable catalog of connectors for developing proprietary applications.
D. Replacing all types of authorization and authentication protocols with a single, standardized method.

B. Simplified integration with popular applications, faster deployment, and integration across all UiPath Platform product solutions.
Pre-built connectors in UiPath Integration Service offer the advantage of simplifying the integration process for any automation that uses common applications such as Salesforce, Slack, Microsoft Office 365, SAP®, ServiceNow, and Google G Suite1. They also enable faster deployment and integration across all product solutions within the UiPath Platform2.

New UiPath Integration Service blog post, Pre-built connectors deliver speed and time-to-value section
Integration Service - Connectors documentation, Introduction section
Question Answering Results from web search results, New UiPath Integration Service snippet

Question # 3

If you are inserting activities into a Sequence in UiPath Studio, in which panel do the activities appear?
A. Snippets
B. Designer
C. Imports
D. Outline

B. Designer
The Designer panel is the central panel in UiPath Studio, where you can design your automation workflows by dragging and dropping activities. When you insert activities into a Sequence, they appear in the Designer panel as a linear representation that flows from top to bottom. The Snippets panel contains ready-made workflows that you can reuse in your projects. The Imports panel allows you to import namespaces and libraries that you can use in your workflows. The Outline panel shows the hierarchical structure of your project and its components.

References: The User Interface, Sequences

Question # 4

A developer used a dictionary to store employee ID numbers as the key with associated employee surnames as the value What is the benefit of using a dictionary?
A. Dictionaries can have repeated keys
B. Dictionaries must have unique values
C. Dictionaries can be searched by keys or values
D. Dictionary keys and values can be of different data types

D. Dictionary keys and values can be of different data types
The benefit of using a dictionary is that dictionary keys and values can be of different data types. A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is associated with a value. The key and the value can be of any data type, such as String, Integer, Boolean, Object, etc. This allows for more flexibility and versatility in storing and retrieving data3.

For example, a dictionary can store employee ID numbers as the key with associated employee surnames as the value, where the key is of type Integer and the value is of type String. To access the value of a specific key, the syntax dictionaryName(key) can be used4. References: Dictionaries and How to use dictionary? from UiPath documentation and forum.

Question # 5

Which of the following best describes the Alerts panel?
A. A panel that displays summaries of the alerts you subscribed to, received as error reports every ten minutes, or as daily reports.
B. A panel that displays a more comprehensive list of all alerts.
C. A panel that displays alerts as they occur.
D. A panel that displays the most severe five alerts, accessible from the Alerts bell.

D. A panel that displays the most severe five alerts, accessible from the Alerts bell.
The Alerts panel is a feature of the UiPath Orchestrator that shows the most critical alerts related to robots, queue items, triggers, and more1. The alerts are displayed in descending order of severity and time2. The Alerts panel can be accessed by clicking the Alerts bell icon on the top-right corner of the Orchestrator dashboard3. Clicking an alert in the panel redirects the user to the custom filtered page of the associated component4.

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